Class Blog

Year 1 2024-2025 Blog

Goodbye Year 1

Our year has come to an end. It's been exciting, busy and very successful. A big well done to all the children and good luck in your new class next year. Love from Mrs Cowliing

Fabulous Homework Creations

Look at our brilliant homework projects.

The children created a rainforest animal at home and brought them into school to share at circle time. Great job everyone.

Amazing Animals

Today we have had some amazing visitors in our class. Andrew the animal man came into Year 1 with spiders, snakes, gekos, frogs, millipedes and our favourite, a skinnypig. The children got to hold the animals and found out lots of interesting facts about rainforest animals. Andrew also told us all about the layers of the rainforest and the different animals that can be found there. It was a fabulous experience for the children and we would like to thank school for providing the children with this. A super day in Year 1.

Let's Explore the Rainforest

Our topic for this half term is The Rainforest. The children will be learning about different rainforests around the world, the layers of the rainforest, animals in the rainforest and how to protect the rainforest.

We will also be having "real" rainforest animals coming into our class for the children to have a hands on experience. They will get to hold, touch and see frogs, spiders, snakes, lizards and many more.

This will be a very busy and exciting half term and the children will have lots of fun.

Egyptian Week

This week has been Egyptian Week. In Year 1 we have been finding out about the pyramids, Tutamkhamen, the Gods and Goddesses, hieroglyphics and looking at Egyptian artefacts. The children have made their own card pyramids and made an Egyptian artefact out of clay. It's been a busy week , learning lots of interesting facts and having lots of fun too. 

Perfect Punch and Judy Puppet Shows

Today we have performed our amazing puppet shows. The children had to design and make their own Punch or Judy puppet. They had to write a script and perform their show to the rest of the class. We all did a super job and I am very proud of their extra loud voices. Great job Year 1.

Circus Skills

During our P.E sessions we have been learning circus skills. We have been juggling with scarves, hula hooping, balancing on the beams and walking on stilts. We have had great fun and we are keeping fit too.

Creative Clowns

This week we have been very creative in Year 1.  We have made a large 3D ferris wheel and all the children created their own clown collage. We used lots of different materials and the children had lots of fun choosing colours, textures and materials they wanted to use. I wonder what we will make next !!!!!!!!
