Class Blog

Year 2 2024-2025 Blog

Teleporter man

We've been doing some songwriting in Year 2! Based on our topic of superheroes we made a superhero song. We all came up with lots of different ideas and words that rhyme then wrote a song all about 'Teleporter Man'. We even performed the song outside on the field to Year 1 who were very impressed. 

Creating superheroes

In Year 2 we've been exploring our topic superheroes out in the sunshine! We got into groups and found what we could to create our own superhero, deciding what power they would have and what they would be called. Back in the classroom we used this as inspiration to write a description of our superhero in our writing books.

A trip to Bury Fire Safety Centre

We had such a wonderful time visiting the Greater Manchester Training and Safety Centre in Bury. In class we have been learning all about superheroes and firefighters are real life superheroes who put their lives at risk to help us every day.

Superhero potions

This term our topic in Year 2 is Superheroes! We are learning about real life superheroes like Florence Nightingale as well as nurses, firefighters, doctors and people who make a difference today. 

Science Week - The journey of a bee

It's Science Week and this year we're focusing on journeys through nature. In Year 2 our topic this term is bees and we've been learning all about what they do and why bees are so important! Today, we discussed the journey of the bee. We learnt about how a bee makes its journey to the flower to collect nectar and as it does it transfers pollen from one flower to the next. We decided to do our own pollination and became buzzy bees or beautiful flowers ourselves!

World Book Day!

Year 2 had a wonderful time celebrating World Book Day, dressing up as their favourite characters from their favourite stories. After watching the fantastic assembly where they were told about lots of different books from the children in KS2, they enjoyed a trip to the library where they explored the variety of books available to them in school. In the afternoon they shared their favourite books with each other in 'Show and Tell' before completing activities based on Dr. Seuss' 'Cat in the Hat'. After I shared my favourite book,  'The Sneetches' by Dr.

Grammar time!

We've been learning all about contractions this week! We went on a contraction hunt and discussed how to use the apostrophe to shorten words like 'should not' to 'shouldn't' and 'I will' to 'I'll'. We're looking forward to trying to use these in our writing.

We've also been enjoying singing our grammar song. Have you heard it? If you've not ask your child and they might sing it to you! It's all about nouns, adjectives, adverbs and verbs. They sing it beautifully!


Miss Stokes' favourite children's book

My favourite children's book is called 'The Sneetches and Other Stories' by Dr. Seuss. It was published a long time ago in 1953 but it's still so wonderful! The stories are basically funny poems that are so entertaining and have a great rhythm to them. Dr Seuss would often create his own words and use them in his stories which adds to the humour. The book has four stories in but my favourite is 'The Sneetches'. It has a very important message underneath all the silliness about diversity and being kind to people who are different to you.

¡Policia Policia!


In Year 2 we have been really enjoying our spanish lessons with Señora Buckley.

We love playing the game ¡Policia Policia! where we have to ask and answer questions in spanish. We've been learning how to ask someone what their name and age is as well as how they're feeling. We've also been learning a whole range of responses from "Fatal" to "Fantastico!"


We've also been learning to count up in our 10's with a special rapping song. We even did a boys VS girls rap battle!

What great fun learning another language can be!


KS1 Christmas Party

Well, Year 1 and 2 had the most wonderful day yesterday. We had the opportunity to get all dressed up into our beautiful party clothes and boogie the afternoon away! We all went into the hall and showed our fantastic dancing skills and played lots of party games too. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door and when we turned around, we saw that it was Santa! All of the children had the opportunity to meet Father Christmas and were given a very special present. After all of that excitement, we all went back to class and had some delicious party food.
