Class Blog

Year 3 Blog

Polish Day

Polish day, Year 3 learnt facts about Poland and wrote them in a fact file. They enjoyed singing baby Shark in Polish and learning new words. 

Miss Laitl even brought some polish food for everyone to try- delicious.

Year 3 children have said they'd like to go on holiday to Poland.

Stars of the week

Congratulations to Year 3 children who received Headteacher's Award, Good to Be Green Prizes and a Sports Person of the week. Well done!

Year 5 Freddie Fit Ambassadors!

Year 5 were amazing ambassadors for Freddie Fit's Circuit Training this week!  They spent two intense sessions training on Tuesday and then worked with Year 2 and Year 3 children on Wednesday as Learning Leaders.  They showed great maturity and skill when they demonstrated the activities to the younger children who worked so hard.  What brilliant role models Year 5 are!  We are very proud of you all!  Mrs Blomeley

Freddie fit

Freddie fit visited our school, Year 5 children learnt to show Year 3 children how to complete 'circuit for life' exercises. 

Year 3 Dance

Children in Year 3 have been learning to design and perform their own dance with a city theme.

Can you recognise the actions based on city life? 


Congratulations to our Year 3 superstars! We have our two Good to Be Green raffle winners and our two children who received Head Teacher Awards.

Well done, you have really impressed us this week. 

Year 3

Year 3 Home Learning Information 

Our PSHE focus on relationships and friendship will support and help children settle into Year 3. 

Telling Stories in Year 4!

Year 4 enjoyed telling their Time Travel stories to some of the children from Year 3 in the last week of term.  Year 4 had made time travel objects to ‘appear’ in their adventure stories which they had written.  Year 3 were able to hold the magical objects, such as pens, rings and boxes,  whilst they were listening!  They got some great feedback:  “amazing”, “incredible” and “awesome” were just some of the words used by Year 3 to describe them.  Well done to both classes for your speaking and listening skills!  Mrs Blomeley


End of Year Award

Congratulations to Lucy and Oliver who received special end of year award. Lucy for outstanding behaviour and Oliver for amazing progress in reading. Well done!

Goodbye Year 3

We are so proud of Year 3, they have worked ever so hard this year. 

We wish them well and look forward to seeing them when they become Year 4.

Mrs Slate & Miss Laitl
