Class Blog

Year 3 Blog

Fantastic Footballers

Our girls made me very proud on Thursday when we went off to Curzon Ashton to play in friendly matches against 3 other schools. We won 2 out of our 3 games, scoring a massive 7 goals! I was very proud of them all as their behaviour and team work skills were second to none! Well done girls!

Japanese lunch Tokyo Style

In keeping with The Olympics theme children have chance to eat a Japanese style lunch. Thanks to the midday assistants for all their hard work preparing a special lunch.

Terrific tennis

Trying a new skill- tennis in Year 3, what superstars. Children quickly picked up new skills and enthuastically played a mini game of tennis with their partner.


Children really enjoyed taking part in Athletic activities including throwing the javelin, sprinting and hurdles.

We can see future Olympic stars in the children of Broadbent Fold.

The Olympics

Year 3 have learnt about how The Olympics more than likely started during The Ancient Greek times. The games were different the winners won a wreath. How amazing that the Olympic games still continues today.

We learnt about the modern day Olympics and designed Olymppic torches.

Year 3 balance challenge

Year 3 enjoyed participating in the 'balance challenge' they said it was much harder than they thought!

How long can you balance for? We tried to balance for 3 minutes.

Salt and Sugar Detectives

As a part of our science topic we have been learning about nutrition and importance of a healthy diet. Today we found out what is a recommended amount of salt and sugar a day and that there is sugar and salt hiding in our favourite drinks and snacks. We also investigated, by looking at the labelts, how much sugar and salt is in our food. 

Who are the Ancient Greeks?

A Groovy Greek way to start the term, children learnt about Greek art by looking at vases, they sketched and designed their own vases.

Using clay they made their own pots just like the Ancient Greek people would have done.

Using kiddle is a fabulous child safe way to learn about history online.


Our assembly with Gary from Holy Trinity Church

In our class bubbles we welcomed Gary from Holy Trinity Church. He enthusiastically spoke about how Bible stories link to being together and how important our family and friends are. We can all be good friends. This assembly gave us time to reflect on what we are grateful for. 

We look forward to welcoming Gary into our school for future assemblies. 

Greek Feast

What a yummy way to start our Ancient Greece topic. We tasted some traditional Greek food including feta cheese, olives, pita bread with tzatziki, figs and Greek yoghurt with honey. 
