Class Blog

Year 3 Blog


E-Safety through Zoom and Home Schooling this year.

Year 3 have been designing e-safety posters based on their traffic light e-safety lesson.

Can you identify APPs or websites that are green, yellow or red?

Year 3 have also learnt about digital footprints and thought about their own digital footprint.

Let's see if on e-safety day Year 3 can sport fake news?

Home Learning Grid 8th February 2021

We have uploaded this week's Home Learning Grid and attachments. Thank you to all parents who take time to go through this with their child- it is great to see our planned ideas being used at home by so many children. 

We have a regular Zoom class with children who work ever so hard and share their work with us on Seesaw, we are impressed by all the activities that they are completing each day.

Mrs Parker is awarding certificates for Home Learning. Well done to all those children (and parents) at home who regulary complete home learning.

Keep Safe

Pledge 100 exercises for Sir Captain Tom Moore

Today Captain Sir Tom Moore sadly died at the age of 100 years old. He was a true inspiration to many people, raising money for the NHS and lifting people's spirits during lockdown.

To remember this legendary man, can you do 100 exercises of your choice. Send photographs of your physical activities to your class teacher. 

RIP Captain Sir Tom.

Children's Mental Health Week

These posters have great strategies on them to practise mindfulness.

Practise these activities each day and then when you are feeling anxious, stressed or frustrated try to use them to make you feel calmer. 

I know I like to use 'Go through your senses' when I can't get to sleep. It works every time :)

Miss Harvey

Science at home ideas

Jodrell Bank Observatory is the UK’s latest UNESCO World Heritage Site and an icon for British science and engineering. Jodrell Bank Discovery Centre have many great science resources that you can use at home.

Why not design your own alien? - look at the SETI and 'alien life' section; or go on a journey to the moon- have a look at the 'watch the skies' section; or listen to some of the talks and lectures and be inspired.

PE activities

This week is Children's Mental Health week so here are lots of different activities you can do to take a break from all your learning.

- Daily Mile Bingo = Walk or run your daily mile. Earn a certificate if you get a full house.

- Football, Rugby or Athletics Bingo = The first 3 themed bingo grids in a series of 6. For each full house you complete you earn a medal and if you complete all 6 then you get a School Games badge. You can either send your entries to your class teacher or submit them via the details at the bottom of the bingo grid.

Home learning grid 1st February 2021

Year 3, we are so proud of all the children at home completing their home school learning. We have enjoyed seeing them on our Zoom sessions.

We have attached the learning grid for 1st February.  If children have missed stages in the maths for example, it is worth looking back and completing those tasks first.

NOTE: There is a change of days for Miss Laitl & Mrs Slate- check the overview for details.

Thank you for your support.

Keep safe

Miss Laitl & Mrs Slate

The RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch 2021

Here is another resource that you can use to help you enjoy the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch this weekend.  It includes instructions on how to make homemade bird food and feeders, a link to help you record your results and a link to a live webcam where you can see and have a go at identifying the birds as they visit the feeders.

I really hope that you enjoy taking part in the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch!
