Class Blog

Year 3 Blog

First News children's newspaper

During Lockdown First News are letting us have free access to their weekly newspaper. This is a weekly newspaper aimed at 7 to 14-year-olds that aims to get kids talking about the news in an easy to understand and non-threatening way.

It cover issues which are relevant to children and which specifically affect them. Inside you’ll find a mix of world news and UK news, but also loads of fun stuff, such as entertainment, games, animals, sport and puzzles.

Reading at home

I have attached some useful links with great free resources to encouarge reading at home during the lockdown. 

Please see : 7 top tips to support reading in KS2; reading home links; and also look at to access free e-books and audio books from your local library. 

Miss Harvey


Home Learning 11th January 2021

WOW AMAZING  YEAR 3- we had so many children last week sharing their learning on our online learning platform- Seesaw.

Our home learning grid for this week along with all resources are attached. Online live lesson through Zoom will go ahead, these links will be sent separately via pin.

Keep safe

Miss Laitl & Mrs Slate


Outdoor Learning Activities

Please find attached a grid containing some outdoor learning activities that your child can do at home.  There are activities for children in early years, ages 5 to 9 and 9 to 12.  You and your child can of course choose an activity from any section. I will add a new grid each week.  Any photos or work can be uploaded on to seesaw and sent to your class teacher.  I hope that you enjoy these activities and look forward to hearing all about them.  

Take care

Mrs Anson

Year 3 Home Learning 4th January 2021

Happy New Year - if children would like to make a start on completing the Happy New Year sheet that would be great (see attached document below).

We look forward to seeing all Year 3 soon but while we are all keeping safe we will blog home learning each week during lockdown.  

We have attached the home learning grid with learning for children to complete at home. Once work is complete please update it onto Seesaw. It is a good idea to try to do daily: Physical exercise, Maths & English.  

Year 3 Spring 1 Homework & Home Learning Information


  • Regular reading several times a week (books are sent home)
  • Spellings- sent home weekly in a spelling journal book
  • Education City games linked to learning (eg. phonics/spellings & maths) This is being introduced January 2021
  • Seesaw online-individual codes have been sent home and are needed to share home learning and complete a wide range of activities

If your child would like an extra challenge try:

Christmas fun

Year 3 had a brilliant day! First we completed Santa Dash. Then we learnt about Save the Children Charity that holds a Christmas Jumper Day every year to help children around the world stay safe, healthy and keep learning. After a busy morning, it was time for our festive Christmas dinner. It was delicious! In the afternoon we had Christmas fair in our classroom. We decorated a ginerbread man and  had a go at tombola and lucky dip. Everyone got a prize!

Winter Reading Challenge

The Winter Mini Challenge encourages children to keep reading through the winter holidays by rewarding them for reading and reviewing books.


To take part in the Winter Mini Challenge online, children simply read any books of their choice, then rate and review them at Prizes for taking part include a  certificate and a virtual badge. The website above will also feature activities, recommendations for great winter reads, and competitions. 


Handwriting winners Autumn 2

Congratulations to our whole school handwriting winners in Autumn 2:

Nursery- Mason

Reception- Elwin

Year 1- Courtney

Year 2- Isla

Year 3- Theo

Year 4- Maycie

Year 5- Reuben

Year 6 - Niamh

We are using a new scheme in school called 'Letterjoin'. All of these children have impressed their teachers! Their magnificent work has been displayed on our writing display near Mrs Parker's office.
