Class Blog

Year 4 Blog

Class Compliment Fun Afternoon in Year 4!

Year 4 ended the half term with their Class Compliment prize - a movie afternoon with pjyamas, teddies and treats!  They had a great time and are already well on their way to getting another treat day, next half term!  Well deserved Year 4!  Keep up the great work!  Mrs Blomeley

Sporting Stars in Year 4!

Year 4 had some great training last term in PE.  As well as their weekly swiming lessons, they gained football skills with Aidan, the Sport Coach, and Cricket skills with Ben from Cheshire County Cricket!  More importantly, Year 4 demonstrated some amazing team work during their sessions. Well done Year 4!  Mrs Blomeley

Exploring Electricity in Year 4!

Year 4 had a fun afternoon learning how to build an electrical circuit and make a bulb light up!  They learnt that plastic does NOT conduct electricity as the new batteries had plastic protective caps on!  The bulbs wouldn't light until they removed the caps, but when they did we all cheered!  Great work Year 4!

Handwriting Awards Summer 1

Congratulations to our whole school handwriting winners in Summer 1:

Nursery- Mason

Reception- Matilda

Year 1- George

Year 2- Joshua

Year 3- James

Year 4- Aaron

Year 5- Ethan

Year 6 - Coban

It is lovely to see how much the children's handwritng and presentation skills are developing from the start of the year. All of these children have impressed their teachers with these skills! Their magnificent work has been displayed on our writing display near Mrs Parker's office.

Year 4 River Studies at Park Bridge!

Year 4 thoroughly enjoyed their visit to Park Bridge today!  They were able to see first  hand some of the features of rivers that they have already learnt, as well as finding out much more about the history of the local landscape.  Finding mini beasts in the river helped to show how clean the water was and they used floating oranges to find the speed of the river!  As always, Year 4 were amazing ambassadors for Broadbent Fold!  We were very proud of all of you today!  Mrs Blomeley, Miss Laitl and Mrs Anson.

Year 4's Freddie Fit session!

Year 4 enjoyed their session with Freddie Fit!  He was looking for potential leaders for September, when they will be the new Year 5s!  He spotted quite a few children who impressed him!  Well done Year 4!  Mrs Blomeley

Year 4's Tudor Theatre!

Year 4 finished off their Tudor topic with six amazing plays based on Henry VIII and his wives!  The class wrote and performed their own play scripts and even had a special visitor to watch some of their performances - Mrs Parker!  We definitely have some future actors and actresses in this class!  Brilliant work Year 4!  Well done!  Mrs Blomeley

Times Table of the Week! w/c 10th May


The facts for week commencing 10th May are   5 X 12 = 60  and   2 x 6 = 12

Can you learn these, together with all the associated facts?  Star points will be given if you can answer any teacher that asks you this week! 

 Keep up the great work!  Mrs BlomeleyT

NSPCC Rocks! 7th May 2021

Today is NSPCC Numbers Day!  Our school have been enrolled into Times Table Rock Stars event  - NSPCC ROCKS! for TODAY ONLY!  You have until 7:00 pm tonight to gain as many points as possible!  Let's try to get a certificate for our school, or one for your class!  Good Luck!  Mrs Blomeley

w/c 4th May - Times Table of the Week!

The facts for week commencing 4th May are   6 x 7 = 42  and   5 x 6 = 30

Can you learn these, together with all the associated facts?  Star points will be given if you can answer any teacher that asks you this week! 

 Keep up the great work!  Mrs Blomeley

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