Class Blog

Year 4 Blog

Reuben is "Wheelie" Reading!

Reuben thinks this is a "wheelie" unusual place to read his favourite book - "Charlie & The Chocolate Factory" by Roald Dahl.   I think so too Reuben! Brilliant!  Mrs Blomeley

Reuben's Bird Project!

Reuben is enjoying this week's science task about birds!  He has worked hard today writing about the different birds in his garden, and the fact the Woodpigeons are waking him up every morning!   He has also sent photographs of when a thrush nested in his  garden on a light, and a photo of himself with a Barn Owl when he was on holiday,  They both look very cute!  Finally, Reuben has used his fantastic drawing skills to create a picture of a woodpecker that he's seen at his caravan.  Super work Reuben.  Mrs Blomeley

Tilly's Butterflies and VE Day Celebrations!

Tilly has grown some butterflies at home over the last few weeks. She has watched them grow from tiny caterpillars, turn into Chrysalides and then hatch into butterflies. Her favourite part was releasing them and watching them fly away!  Tilly has also sent in photos of her VE Day celebrations - I love the way they have decorated the house and the food looks delicious!  Finally, she has caught her cat exploring the huge pool!  I hope he can swim!  Thank you for sharing these Tilly!  Mrs Blomeley

Connor's 3 Times Table Quest!

Connor is having a maths times tables week! Today he has been reinforcing his 3 times tables as you can see.  His mum gave him a calculation and Connor matched the answer!  Connor sent a message to say hello to everyone and that he is missing all his friends!  I'm sure they miss you too Connor.  Keep up the great work. Mrs Blomeley  .

Bradley's Bird Blog!

Bradley has enjoyed writing about his favourite bird this week - the Parrot!  I've learnt from your report that there are 372 different kinds of parrots!  Wow!  A great picture too Bradley.  Fabulous work!  Thank you.  Mrs Blomeley

Molly's T-Shirt Tribute to the NHS!

Molly's mum told me that Molly has designed her own t-shirt to wear every Thursday night when she goes out to applaud the NHS and key workers! Here it is - I love it!  Molly, you are so creative and talented!  Well done and thank you for sharing it with us.   Mrs Blomeley

Reuben and the Frog!

Reuben's mum has sent me this fantastic photo of Reuben looking very happy to have a frog on his shoulder!  I don't think I woould be smiling!  Our science work recently has been about the different types of animals and frogs belong to the Amphibian group.   Amphibians are cold-blooded vertebrates (vertebrates have backbones) that don't have scales. They live part of their lives in water and part on land.    Mrs Blomeley

Laura's Story about The Present!

Laura has watched The Present clip from today's Home Learning grid and written a story about what she saw.  Well done Laura - I think you covered everything!  How did it make you feel when he said "get lost" to the puppy?  It made me feel very sad.   Laura's mum has also told me that Laura tried Miss Mainprize's Physical Challenge today.  She managed to do 12 taps of the tennis ball on a racket in 60 seconds!  Well done Laura!  (I could only do 2 !)   Mrs Blomeley

