Class Blog

Year 4 Blog

#Letgirlsplay day

What a great day seeing so many girls playing football! Some Year 5 and 6 pupils went to Rayner Stephens to take part in a girls football festival while others played football at breaks and lunchtime. Our amazing Game Changers were awarded their well deserved badges for their dedication to girls football too. 

Game Changers Assembly

Our Game Changers were very brave today doing an assembly infront of the whole school telling everyone about their role as Game Changers and #letgirlsplay day which is happening tomorrow. #Letgirlsplay is all about promoting equal access in girls football by 2025. We cannot wait for th fun activities to continue tomorrow!

Peace Personified

Today in yoga, the children were able to put their worries aside and concentrate on being whole. Our fantastic sport's coach taught the children different breathing techniques to calm their mind, body and spirit. She then went on to help them stretch and mindfully reflect on their bodies. The children were fantastic and very relaxed by the end of the session.  Well done Year 4. 

World Book Day Starts Early

World Book Day celebrations started early in Year 4. The children were able to bring in their favourite books today, complete bookmarks, design book covers, complete character studies and read. I look forward to seeing all them all in costume on Friday.What a fantastic hour it was!

We’re Getting Ready

Year 4 are very excited to be running the science fair this year and have spent the afternoon getting ready for the event next week. From their enthusiasm, it's going to be amazing. 
