Class Blog

Year 4 Blog

Team Emerald Winners!

A huge congratulations to Team Emerald, who have won the House Cup and will recieve non-uniform day on Thursday 28th March. The team scored a huge 1,099 points! Well done. 

Handwriting Winners Spring 2 2024

A huge well done to our handwriting winners who have won a certificate and pencil today in assembly. Their work looks incredible and is up on display outside Mrs Parker's room.

Our winners are: Nursery- Harry, Reception- Nevaeh, Y1- Ella, Y2- Phoebe, Y3- Ava, Y4- Kai, Y5- Joseph, Y6- Ruby H

World Book Day competition winners

Well done to our winners and runners-up for the World Book Day competition to design a new front cover for their class book. The work is now up on display and looks fabulous. Can you guess the names of books we are reading across school?

Relaxing Yoga

Today Year 4 have been doing yoga and it's really relaxing. They have been practising the downward dog, the bridge, mountain, tree and child poses. My favourite one is the baby poses. From Jacob Walker

Tudor Dramatisation

Royalty came to Y4 today with our reinactment of the knighting of Sir Francis Drake and Lord Howard after they defeated The Spanish Armada. 

Science Competition

Thank you everyone for your fantastic entries for the science competition, it was so difficult to choose the winners. Have a look at some of their fabulous creations. 

iMotion Movies

Year 4 have been combining their knowledge of the attack of the Spanish Armada and how to make an iMotion movie by recreating the famous battle scenes. They have been working really hard in groups to create their movies. I'm really impressed by their sequencing skills and their ingenuity, especially when it came to them figuring out different ways to move the boats around the British Isles. Great work Year 4. 

Tudor Pottage

Our first Tudor pottage was ready to taste. It smelt delicious and 16 children out of 24 who tasted it, thought it was amazing. Great work for creating a sweet potato, leek and corriander pottage. 
