Class Blog

Year 4 Blog

Geography Skills in Year 4

Year 4 have been working together and using their homework knowledge about rivers to order the course of a river. They found it really challenging to order the photographs but persevered. Well done Y4. 

Career’s Week

Andy, a GB 60m sprinter came in to talk to Y4 today about his career in athletics. The children were so eager to ask him questions and amazed by his career. 

Mountain Locations

Year 4 started their work on mountains today. They used the atlases well to locate mountains of the U.K and were able to identify parts of a mountain. 

Start Small, Dream Big Primary Pilot.

We are delighted that our school has been selected to take part in an exciting pilot programme to improve careers education in primary schools across England. This pilot programme is being run by your local Careers Hub, funded by The Careers & Enterprise Company and evaluated in partnership with ImpactEd Evaluation. ImpactEd Evaluation is an independent evaluator that supports high-quality monitoring and evaluation in schools.  

Egg Experiment

Well our egg experiment is finally finished and the children have been quite amazed at how orange juice and not coke affected their teeth. They now really understand the importance of dental hygiene and will limit high sugar drinks after seeing how the orange juice visibily decayed the egg. 

Our lovely planter

The planter was kindly donated to school by Stalybridge Women's Institute and Mrs Holt came to visit school to see how the flowers in the planter were developing. Mrs Holt was very happy that the Ecoleaders have been looking after planter so well and have planted new bulbs and bedding plants. The Ecoleaders also showed Mrs Holt our vegetable garden and the crocuses flowers that we had planted in the winter. Mrs Holt showed us a bird's nest that she had found in her garden. 
