Class Blog

Year 4 Blog

Marvellous Merits in Year 4

It has been a fantastic week in class from everyone. The children have finished writing up their persuasive letters and continued their work in maths on Money. They have thoroughly enjoyed our science experiments too. A great week Year 4.

Handwriting Awards Summer 1

I have displayed our latest work from our handwriting winners this half term. I am so impressed with how neat and well-presented their work is.

Our winners are: Nursery- George, Reception- Lucas, Y1- Eric, Y2- Rosie, Y3- Alfie, Y4- Matilda, Y5- Lottie, Y6- Amelia

Pokémon Girls Football Qualifiers

Last week our Year 4 and 5 girls football team took part in the Pokémon football qualifiers against St Mary's and Gee Cross Holy Trinity Primary School. It was the first time they had played together but they showed great teamwork and managed to score 2 goals and come 2nd in their group! A special well done to player of the match, Matilda, for her fantastic goal keeping skills throughout the games. Well done girls!

House Points Winners

Congratulations to Team Sapphire who have won the House Cup. They will receive non-uniform on Friday 14th June. This team scored a huge 1,464 points. Well done! 

Wonderful Water Cycle Song

The Year 4's have been having fun learning using the Sing Up website to learn the water cycle song with actions. This topic has been full of classic songs too as the children have learnt to play I am sailing on the penny whistle. 

Super Science

Year 4 identified the difference between solids, liquids and gases. Their knowledge after completing work on the water cycle was fabulous. Well done Year 4. 

Year 3 and 4 glow dodgeball

Our Year 3 and 4 pupils loved taking part in the glow dodgeball festival tonight against other schools in Tameside. It was lovely to see so many pupils representing school for the first time and having so much fun! Great job everyone!

Silver Medal Winners!

Our year 5 and 6 cricket team took part in a tournament yesterday against 8 other Tameside Primary Schools at Hyde Cricket ground. They won their round of matches and made it to the final against Arles. We did outstanding fielding, batting and team work. I was so proud to support and observe our young people going for gold! We came away with the silver medal, which we are so proud of. Next our year 3 and 4 pupils will take the challenge and I cannot wait to see how they do. Our trophy will being placed in our ever-growing cabinet. 
