Class Blog

Year 5 Blog

Year 5's D & T - One stitch at a time!

Year 5 have started their D&T Project by learning to sew!  They began by learning to thread a needle and tying knots in the thread, then quickly moved on to using a basic running stitch to join two pieces of material!   Fantastic concentration and a  great start by everyone!  Mrs Blomeley

Awards in Year 5!

Well done to all our Year 5 award winners this week!  Fantastic contribution to our Science session, being a great friend and, of course, being Ready, Respectful and Safe, led to this week's awards.  Bronze awards for 50 star points and a Silver award for 100 star points were also achieved, as well as football stickers for the winners of the "design a football kit" competition!  Well done everyone!  Fantastic work!  Mrs Blomeley

Big Battery Hunt

The Eco leaders have given out boxes to children in their class so that they can collect batteries for recycling.  If your child did not bring a box home the used batteries can be brought into school in a plastic bag. The bags and boxes can be handed to the eco leaders in your child's class and they will bring them to me.  We are only collecting these used batteries: AAA  AA  C  D  The batteries that we collect will be recycled to make new batteries, used in the construction industry and they can even be made into fertilizer!  Please don't throw your old batteries away.  Ov

Book Look

Thank you to the families who joined us for our book look. We are very proud of the hard work our pupils are doing everyday - we are pleased you are too. There will be another opportunity soon. 

LGBT and History Month - February 2023

Do you know who this brave woman is from our history? February is LGBT History Month and we’re focussing on the lives and work of some courageous LGBT women. If you find out any details let Mrs Parker know for house points - we shall do some research together in assembly. 

The Explorer: Pineapples and Hot Seating!

As part of their Rainforest Topic, and to enhance their reading of the class text,  "The Explorer", Year 5 enjoyed tasting a delicious pineapple on Friday!  In the book, the characters have just discovered  the fruits, after eating grubs to survive!  Some interesting Hot Seating followed, as the children took on the personalities of some of the main characters!  Impressive acting and sensible questions from the class took place!  Mrs Blomeley

Awards in Year 5!

Well done to Year 5's award winners this week!   Headteacher certificates were awarded for fantastic Maths work and being positive and cheerful whilst our Good to be Green winners received their awards for being Ready, Respectful and Safe all week. We also had a Bronze award for achieving 50 star points and Year 5's winner of Miss Harvey's Book Review competition! Fantastic work Year 5!  Mrs Blomeley

Tameside Cross Country Championships

A big well done to everyone who gave up their Saturday morning to take part in the Tameside Cross Country Championships. It was brilliant to see some new faces and see everyone cheering on pupils in the other races. A special congratulations to the two boys who have been selected to represent Tameside in the Greater Manchester Cross Country Championships at Heaton Park next week. 

Year 3-4 Girls = 8th, 13th, 19th and 44th

Year 3-4 Boys = 3rd, 17th and 51st

Year 5-6 Girls = 36th and 52nd

Year 5-6 Boys = 10th, 16th and 19th

Reading Ambassador Challenge Winners

The Reading Ambassadors met with me this week to choose winners for the book reveiw challenge that was set in December.

Thank you to all of the children who took part in the challenge- it was a very hard decision to choose a winner for each class. Please have a look at the winning book reviews which will be sent to Tameside Libraries to share on their social media.

Our winners were: Noah Hatton, Bella Rose, Kai Munro Taylor, Sam Sheppard and Abigail Taylor. 

Safer Internet and Mental Health Week

Safer Internet Day 2023 will take place on the 7th of February 2023, with celebrations and learning based around the theme ‘Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online’. We are also linking this with Mental Health Week - as they go hand in hand. I am asking our pupils to design a poster about life online, which links the themes. All entries are to be sent to Mrs Parker by 10th February. Pupil Leaders will help me to decide the winners. 
