Class Blog

Year 5 Blog

House Team Winners - Ruby!

Ruby have won the House Team Points for autumn term. Well done Ruby - you have been so impressive all term and have worked incredibly hard to achieve your rewards. On Friday 13th January, you will receive a special non-uniform day for your efforts. Good luck to the other teams this term - you can do it! 

Amazing Authors in Year 5!

Year 5 enjoyed reading their Spy Narrative stories to some of the Year 3 children last week!  Year 5 had worked hard to create their spy and villain descriptions, as well as enticing the reader in to their atmospheric settings!  The feedback from Year 3 was pretty impressive!  Well done Year 5!  Mrs Blomeley

Christmas Party Fun in Year 5!

Year 5 had a wonderful time at their Christmas Party!  They enjoyed party food then showed off their joke telling talents to each other :)  Later they joined Year 6 in the Hall for a few games of Corners, Pass the Parcel and Musical Statues!  A great time was had by all!  Mrs Blomeley

Awards in Year 5!

Well done to all of our award winners for the final week of term!  Certificates were given for improved presentation, being a great role model and being Ready, Repectful and Safe, as well as our Vocab Ninja winner!  Bronze awards were given for achieving 50 star points and end of term certificates went to those who have achieved 99% and 100% attendance!  Well done to everyone!  Wishing all of you and your families a wonderful time at Christmas!  Mrs Blomeley

Year 5's Santa Dash!

The icy cold weather on Friday didn't stop Year 5 from completing the Santa Dash with great effort and enthuiasm!  Well done everyone!  Mrs Blomeley

Awards in Year 5!

Well done to all our award winners in Year 5 this week!  Headteacher's awards were presented for beautiful maners and improved presentation!  Good to be Green awards for being Ready, Respecttful and Safe this week and Bronze awards for achieving 50 Star Points!  Awards for achievements outside of school included Gold and Bronze medals for swimming and a medal for completing a Santa Dash in Chester!  Fantastic work all round Year 5!  Mrs Blomeleyt

Spy Day in Year 5!

Spy Day finally arrived in Year 5 last Thursday and the class came to school disguised in their amazing spy outfits! They looked brilliant!   Year 5's classroom had been transformed into Spy Headquarters and the morning was spent finding clues, cracking codes, practising spy moves, such as the "brush past", and making the spy gadgets that they'd designed.  Add to this some invisible writing and watching the film of their class text "Stormbreaker" in the afternoon and an action packed and fun day was had by all!   Well done Year 5!  Mrs Blomeley (aka Agent Blomovich!)

Square Numbers!

Year 5 have been practising their square numbers since September, singing and marching to the "Square Number" song - "A square number is the product of a number with itself!"   Last week they made squares, using foam squares, and realised that they needed the actual amount of square numbers to create the perfect square!  Mrs Blomeley

Reading Lunchtime Club

Thank you to our Librarians for running a festive lunchtime club this week. The Y5 children have had the chance to play a Christmas Quiz, complete festive crosswords and play a festive version of bananagram.

It looks like you all had fun!

The Hummingbird Project in Years 5 and 6

Year 5 and Year 6 are currently taking part in The Hummingbird Project , which is a six week Positive Education intervention.  The Project is designed to give pupils the tools they need to be as happy, healthy, and productive as possible.  So far the children have taken part in workshops about happiness, mindfulness, gratitude, kindness, character strengths, and resilience. These include fun activities that help them to understand how to put these ideas into practice and, most importantly, help them to  feel good about the future. 
