Class Blog

Year 5 Blog

Let’s spread the love

Broadbent Fold's Valentine disco was a massive success. The turn out was phenomenal and the children thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Thank you to everyone who turned up. Happy Valentine's Day!

Handwriting Winners Spring 1 2023

Well done to our Spring 1 handwriting winners! You have been awarded with your handwritng pencil and certificate for your amazing, neat presentation or for great effort and improvement in your handwriting.

Our winners are: Nursery- Nevaeh, Reception- Mykyta, Y1- George S, Y2- Luke, Y3- Matilda, Y4- Suzie, Y5- Theo, Y6- Sam G

All of their wonderful handwriting has been proudly displayed outside Mrs Parker's room. 

World Book Day events 2023

On Thursday 2nd March, Broadbent Fold will celebrate World Book Day. Please see the attached newsletter with all of the information and events that will be taking place. 


Please design and/or make a top hat for your favourite book character. What colours does your character like to wear? What could you attach to your top hat that reflects your character's personality or hobbies? Is your top hat inspired by a goody or a baddy? 

Tameside Libraries February Half Term Events

During half term please visit Tameside Libraries for these free fun events:

Tuesday 21 February 10-11am and 1-2pm Dukinfield Library: join comics artist Marc Jackson and learn to draw your own cartoon characters

Wednesday 22 February 1.30 - 3.30 pm Ashton Library: join Jim Medway for Creating Comics, all the basics to drawing your own comic strips and stories.

Thursday 23 February 2.30 - 3.30 pm Hattersley Library: meet author Sean Perkins who will read one of his stories and bring along some exciting activities to do based on his Oscar and Ben books!

Internet Legend Assembly

Broadbent Fold watched a live online assembly today 7th February 2023- An Internet Legends Assembly. Children were encouraged to used their critical thinking skills when online.Remember 'Be kind online' and make time to have conversations about being online.

What type of password is a strong password to use? What should you do if you see something unkind online? 

This week children are taking part in lessons about online safety.

The theme for 2023 is, 'Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online'. 

Design a football kit competition winners

Lots of pupils at Broadbent Fold have taken part in the PaninI design a football kit competition. Our sports council selected these fabulous entries as our school winners. All entries have been submitted to Panini, fingers crossed we win! Well done to everyone that took part. 

Year 5's D & T - One stitch at a time!

Year 5 have started their D&T Project by learning to sew!  They began by learning to thread a needle and tying knots in the thread, then quickly moved on to using a basic running stitch to join two pieces of material!   Fantastic concentration and a  great start by everyone!  Mrs Blomeley

Awards in Year 5!

Well done to all our Year 5 award winners this week!  Fantastic contribution to our Science session, being a great friend and, of course, being Ready, Respectful and Safe, led to this week's awards.  Bronze awards for 50 star points and a Silver award for 100 star points were also achieved, as well as football stickers for the winners of the "design a football kit" competition!  Well done everyone!  Fantastic work!  Mrs Blomeley
