Class Blog

Year 5 Blog

Team Emerald Winners!

A huge congratulations to Team Emerald, who have won the House Cup and will recieve non-uniform day on Thursday 28th March. The team scored a huge 1,099 points! Well done. 

Handwriting Winners Spring 2 2024

A huge well done to our handwriting winners who have won a certificate and pencil today in assembly. Their work looks incredible and is up on display outside Mrs Parker's room.

Our winners are: Nursery- Harry, Reception- Nevaeh, Y1- Ella, Y2- Phoebe, Y3- Ava, Y4- Kai, Y5- Joseph, Y6- Ruby H

World Book Day competition winners

Well done to our winners and runners-up for the World Book Day competition to design a new front cover for their class book. The work is now up on display and looks fabulous. Can you guess the names of books we are reading across school?

Basketball competition

Some of our Year 5 and 6 pupils took part in a basketball competition at Astley tonight playing games again Arlies, Cannon Burrows, St John's, Inspire and Our Lady's. They really improved as a team thorough the matches and definitely played their best games last. They showed brilliant dribbling, passing and shooting skills. Well done everyone!

Science Competition

Thank you everyone for your fantastic entries for the science competition, it was so difficult to choose the winners. Have a look at some of their fabulous creations. 

World Book Day celebrations

Today in assembly we celebrated all of the hard work from World Book Day when each class shared some of their work on a class book or author. This was incredible to see and I was really impressed with all of the classes. It shows how much we love reading at Broadbent Fold.

We also rewarded our competition winners who designed a new book cover for their class text. Our runner-ups and winners all received a certificate and a prize. The winning entries will proudly be displayed in our library. 

#Let Girls Play

We received a certificate for us taking part in #Letgirlsplay day. Look at our pictures across the blogs, lots to celebrate with equality in sport. 

Year 5's Cricket Skills!

Year 5 improved their Cricket skills yesterday by learning to bowl with consistent accuracy and length!  They used the fiigures 6 and 12 to help them focus on perfecting an overarm bowl, which they then extended to  run-up bowls.  Brilliant work Year 5!  Mrs Blomeley

Year 5's Fun at the Science Fair!

Year 5 were so excited to visit the Science Fair today and Year 4 didn't disappoint!  They were brilliant hosts and so knowledgeable about their particular element of science!  There were so many areas of science on offer that Year 5 were spoilt for choice but they managed to have a try at everything!  It was great fun!  Thank you Year 4 and Mrs Higham and Miss Deer for organising the event!  We loved it! Mrs Blomeley
