Class Blog

Year 5 Blog

Spider Webs

Todays challenge was to use wool to make a spider web and ask another team to get through the web without touching it!  Everyone had great fun crawling in and out of the webs. 

Year 5 do The Haka!

Year 5 started their Haka sessions n PE on Friday!  Their ultimate aim is to create a Haka dance for one of the Rainforest tribes that they've learnt about.  They need to use tactics to scare opposing tribes and Year 5 have definitely got off to a great start!  Watch this space!  Mrs Blomeley

Awards in Year 5 w/e 1.3.24

Year 5's Awards this week were given for amazing artwork, great contribution to questions in class and for being Ready, Respectful and Safe all week.  Silver certificates and badges were awarded to those who achieved 100 Star points!  Well done everyone!  Mrs Blomeley

World Book Day events 2024

World Book Day is celebrated between 7th-8th March and children may dress up on Friday 8th in their World Book Day costumes or in their own comfy clothes- please remember to bring in your favourite book from home to read.   The Reading Ambassadors and Librarians have set a World Book Day competition. Your child needs to create a new front cover for their class text which they are reading this half term.

Fruity Creations in Year 5!

As part of their topic, Year 5 created some newly discovered fruit yesterday!  To begin with, they sketched the interesting designs of some real fruit, such as oranges, kiwi and pomegranate.  Their next step will be to paint their drawings and add detail.  For instance, they might design a new purple kiwi, or a turquoise pomegranate!  Finally, they will create a new Chapter of their class text to describe how it was found with a detailed description of how it looks, feels and tastes!  Fantastic work to all our talented artists in Year 5!  Mrs Blomeley

Year 5 - Spring Term 2 - Why should the world's rainforests matter to all of us?

Welcome back to Spring Term 2 in Year 5 where our topic "Why should the world's rainforests matter to all of us?" continues, in our attempt to explore the impact of climate change.  This term we will focus on presenting an assembly to Key Stage 2,  to impart Year 5's new found knowledge about this growing problem.  We will explore Greta Thunberg's book about her own efforts to help the planet and we will continue to read the award winning novel "The Explorer" by Katherine Rundell.  The class will write their own adventure narratives about

Scientific Discussions in Year 5!

Year 5 had some intelligent and in depth discussions this week to look at the stages of child development in our Life Cycles topic in Science. For instance, at what age would a child start to recognise sounds in words?  Or when would they read a range of books independently?  They used their knowledge of themselves or their younger and older siblings to decide.  This is an example of Science Capital - what you know about scientific literacy and your related knowledge.  Brilliant work Year 5!  Mrs Blomeley

Year 5 get Creative!

Year 5's Creative Homework Presentations were amazing!  They all chose an endangered animal to research and then delivered their presentations in class!  They ranged from power points to hand made posters, with a Herules Beetle cake thrown into the mix!  Year 5's presenting and listening skills were so impressive and we all learnt so much!  Thank you and well done everyone!  Mrs Blomeley

Awards in Year 5 w/e 23.2.24

Awards this week were given for fantastic, fluent reading and being an amazing, enthusiastic role model in Year 5!  Good to be Green awards for following our school rules and Silver certificates and badges were also awarded for achieving 100 Star Points!  Finally we had a few Mathletics certificates for achieving great results on Mathletics!  Well done everyone!  Mrs Blomeley
