Class Blog

Year 5 Blog

Rugby in Year 5!

Year 5 enjoyed their session with Charlie from the Jason Robinson Foundation yesterday!  They have already made great progress with their Rugby skills !  Great work Year 5! Mrs Blomeley

Fun with Freddy Fit in Year 5!

Year 5 enjoyed this morning with a challenging Quiz and a fun workout session from Freddy Fit!  He really put the class through their paces but the children were amazing!  They also learnt some important facts about keeping fit, eatining healthily and even about the right amount of sleep to have each night!  A great morning!  Thank you Freddy Fit and Year 5! Mrs Blomeley

Rounders in Year 5!

Year 5 are enjoying their new PE sessions of Rounders!  Session 1 was spent practising catching and throwing skills with a quick game of Rounders. In Session 2 they played a similar game called Danish Long Ball to use the skills they have learnt so far.  Fantastic work Year 5!  Mrs Blomeley

Year 5 Awards w/e 10th May

Well done to Year 5's award winners this week!  Headteacher's awards were given for being an amazing role model in class and around school, and for great enthuiasm and knowledge sharing in Science.  Good to be Green awards were presented for following our school rules of being Ready, Respectful and Safe.  Well done everyone!  Mrs Blomeley

Silver Medal Winners!

Our year 5 and 6 cricket team took part in a tournament yesterday against 8 other Tameside Primary Schools at Hyde Cricket ground. They won their round of matches and made it to the final against Arles. We did outstanding fielding, batting and team work. I was so proud to support and observe our young people going for gold! We came away with the silver medal, which we are so proud of. Next our year 3 and 4 pupils will take the challenge and I cannot wait to see how they do. Our trophy will being placed in our ever-growing cabinet. 

Year 5 explore why the Anglo Saxons invaded Britain!

Year 5's sorting activity yesterday helped them to explore some of the reasons why the Anglo Saxons invaded Britain in AD450.  Were they pushed?  Or were they pulled?  Their constant flooding, and having to rebuild their homes, was a huge factor in them being pushed to come to Britain.  Year 5 discovered that the Anglo Saxons wanted a better way of life for their families so they were pulled by the better climate for growing crops and the knowledge that the Britains had precious metals and jewellery!  Fantastic, sensible and intelligent discussions helped us all to understand more about the

Start Small, Dream Big Primary Pilot.

We are delighted that our school has been selected to take part in an exciting pilot programme to improve careers education in primary schools across England. This pilot programme is being run by your local Careers Hub, funded by The Careers & Enterprise Company and evaluated in partnership with ImpactEd Evaluation. ImpactEd Evaluation is an independent evaluator that supports high-quality monitoring and evaluation in schools.  

Careers Week - the fire service

Year 5 had a fantastic visit from Green Watch today. They discussed the importance of respect, honesty, hard-work and dedication needed in their jobs. The Fire Fighters gave an overview of the training needed to work as a team and the long hours involved. Many were very inspired by their talk. Thank you to Green Watch for their time and delivering lots of important messages. 

Our lovely planter

The planter was kindly donated to school by Stalybridge Women's Institute and Mrs Holt came to visit school to see how the flowers in the planter were developing. Mrs Holt was very happy that the Ecoleaders have been looking after planter so well and have planted new bulbs and bedding plants. The Ecoleaders also showed Mrs Holt our vegetable garden and the crocuses flowers that we had planted in the winter. Mrs Holt showed us a bird's nest that she had found in her garden. 
