Class Blog

Year 5 Blog

Decimal Dice!

As part of their Decimals unit in Maths, Year 5 enjoyed playing their newly created game of Decimal Dice!  The game helped them to use their decimal addition skills by earning gems!  Some children were very competitive!  Well done Year 5!  Mrs Blomeley

Awards in Year 5 w/e 5.7.24

Another great week in Year 5 for Awards!  Headteacher's certificates were given for being a great role model and for using their Maths skills. Good to be Green awards for followng our school rules and this half term's Vocabulary Ninja certificate were also awarded. Glorious Gold awards were handed out to those who have achievied 170 star points in class!  Amazing work everyone!  Mrs Blomeley 

Awards in Year 5 - w/e 28.6.24

A variety of Awards this week including our last half term's Handwriting Award as well as certificates for those who represented Broadbent Fold in our recent Swimming Gala!  Headteachers Awards were given for being such a fantastic helper in class and for always producing work of the highest standard.  Good to be Green awards,as always, were presented for following our School Rules and a Glorious Gold award for achieving 170 Star Points!  Well done everyone!  Mrs Blomeley

Handwriting Awards Summer 2

I am so impressed with how good our final Handwriting Display looks with beautifully presented work from every class.

Our winners are: Nursery- Lilly, Reception- Hunter, Y1- Lottie, Y2- Kenan, Y3- Matilda, Y4- Charlie, Y5- Isla M, Y6- Holly

well done to all of these superstars who won their certificate and handwriting pencil today.

Year 5's Study of Beatriz Milhazes

As part of their South American topic, Year 5 have been studying Brazilian artist Beatriz Milhazes.  She is a contemporary artist whose work is vibrant, colourful and often geometric. Year 5 have started their journey to produce a piece of art in her style, by using a painted background and creating geometric shapes in different colours and textures to create their collages..  Watch this space for the finished artwork soon!  Mrs Blomeley

Rounders final

Our Year 5 and 6 rounders team took part in the rounders final tonight for the 7 best primary schools in Tameside. They have really improved their communication skills in their fielding and managed to get lots of players out. You did Broadbent Fold proud, great job everyone!


BBF 6.5 - 8 Our Lady's

BBF 4 - 7 Greswell

Year 5's Taster Day at Rayner Stephens!

Year 5 enjoyed their visit to Rayner Stephens today, where they engaged in different lessons  in true High School style!  They loved the challenge of making a structure in Science, using just spaghetti sticks and marshmallows!    Then they engaged in an exciting Escape Room challenge in Geography, followed by Music, where they impressed the Music Teacher with their knowledge of musical notation, and got the chance to play their own rhythms on the drums!  Finally, they enjoyed using frogs and counters in Maths to work out Quadratic Equations!  We were very lucky to have four amazing ex-pupil

Swimming Superstars

Our Year 5 and 6 swimming superstars came 3rd in their swimming gala yesterday. Mrs Parker was so impressed that she bought everyone a slush. Well done everybody! 

Year 4 and 5 Boys Pokémon Cup

The Year 4 and 5 boys football team had their first ever match together in the Pokémon cup. They showed fantastic teamwork and spirit throuought the tournament and have made it through to the next round! Amazing work boys, well done!

The results were....

BBF 1-0 St Mary's, Denton

BBF 2-1 Our Lady's of Mount Carmel 

KS2 Sports Day

KS2 had lots of fun in their sports day competing in lots of different events! Which event is your favourite?

Results from KS2 sports day are....

Ruby 128 points, Sapphire 118 points, Amber 99 points and Emerald 71 points. 

Well done everyone!
