Class Blog

Year 6 Blog

Night time fun and games.

What a fabulous group of children who asked to go to bed by 10pm! They were completely worn out by all the night time activities and loved the games room and the torch walk looking for bats around the site.

Wonderful Water Activities

What a challenge! Make a raft, steer and paddle a canoe and a kayak. Fantastic attitude by all and everyone is having a whale of a time.


Let the fun commence. Orienteering, map reading and generally running through muddy fields.

Watch out for our water activities later on of canoeing, kayaking and raft building to follow.

Rock and River

Watch out for our Year 6 blogs over the next two days. I hope to show the children challenging themselves in many different situations from raft building, canoeing, balance beams, orineteering, archery, abseiling, on the high ropes and trying to keep dry on the swamp romp or hitting the balloon on the leap of faith. I know they're all really excited and I do hope they manage to get some sleep tonight as they'll need their rest for the next two days.

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6 and to what will be a busy and eventful final year for our class at Broadbent Fold.  There are many things planned and much work to do but nothing is impossible for our year 6! Together we can achieve anything and everything! There is even a residential visit to Rock and River planned for the 21st and 22nd of September.  Please watch out for details of this to follow very soon!

Good Luck Year 6

Good luck Year 6 with your Key Stage 2 tests next week. We know how brilliant you all are, just go out there and show everyone else how  fabulous you are! We are very proud of all your achievement. Believe in yourselves, we know you can do it! All the best from everyone at Broadbent Fold.
