Class Blog

Year 6 Blog

Panathlon Ten Pin Bowling Competition

Some of our Year 5 and 6 children had a great morning taking part in a Panathlon ten pin bowling competition. They showed great teamwork and were very supportive of one another's achievements. A special mention to Macy who got the first strike of the competition. Well done everyone, you did Broadbent Fold proud!

Cross Country Grand Prix

What a great first week of cross country! Thank you to everyone who gave up their Saturday to come and it was lovely to see some new faces running. We had 5 pupils finishing in the top 10 including George who came 2nd in his race and our Under 11's girls team came 3rd.

Under 9 Boys = George 2nd, Noah 6th, Noah 20th

Under 9 Girls = Chloe 8th, Matilda 39th

Under 11 Boys = Sam 6th

Under 11 Girls = Isabelle 8th, Isobel 16th, Ivy 23rd, Faye 24th, Phoebe 33rd

Broadbent Fold vs Hollingworth

Our Year 5 and 6 boys football team had a great first match of the season with a close game against Hollingworth Primary School where we won 3-2. The boys showed great teamwork and positivity throughout the match and communicated well. There were some amazing goals scored and fantastic goal keeping skills throughout the match. Well done to everyone who played!

Hanging our new bird feeders

Thank you to the Eco Leaders and their helpers for hanging the new bird feeders in our school grounds. We can't wait to see which feathery friends come for a tasty treat! 

Tameside High School Open Evenings

Over the next couple of weeks, the local high schools will have an Open Evening for children who may be considering moving there when they move up to Year 7. 

Here are some of the Open Evening dates: 

All Saints Catholic College - Wednesday 27th September- 6:30pm – 8:30pm

Audenshaw School - Thursday 5th October - 5:00pm – 7:00pm

Copley Academy - Wednesday 4th October- 5:00pm – 7:30pm

Denton Community College- Wednesday 27th September- 6:00pm – 8:00pm

Fairfield High School for Girls -Thursday 5th October-  6:00pm – 8:00pm
