Class Blog

Year 6 Blog

Team building in PE

In PE we have been doing teambuilding games. We have had a lot of fun and worked cooperatively to complete missions and play games. 

Front Row Music

Front Row Music came into assembly today to explain their music facilities. They got some children to demonstrate how easy it was to play the guitar and ukulele, play some games and they really enthused the children. If you wish for your child to have lessons, please ask for a sign up sheet. 

Y6 Star of the week 8-9-23

Well done to everybody in Year 6 this week. I am so impressed with your mature attitude to learnig this week.

Sam And Ivy won a Headteacher's Award today and Reiss and Nathan won the Good to be Green Award.

What a great start to the year!

Welcome to Year 6

Welcome to Year 6. We have had a wonderful week and all of the children should feel proud of how hard they have worked. I can tell we are going to have a wonderful year ahead.

I have attached the topic information and home learning grid. Our new topic is 'How are you unique?' where we will explore how we are all different and wonderful. We also be looking at neurodiversity as our class text 'Can you see me?' is all about an autistic girl and her transition to high school.

Our PE days this half term are Tuesdays and Thursdays. 

Prefects 2023

Here our our new prefects for 2023 - they look a brilliant bunch. This group of pupils will show high standards of behaviour and reward this across school. 

Head Girl and Head Boy 2023

It is my pleasure to share Sam and Ruby have been appointed our new Head Girl and Head Boy. They will be ensuring pupils follow our values and support me in my role. What a super pair! 

Y6 Star of the week 21-7-23

Congratulations to Alfie and all of Year 6 this week.

The whole class won the Headteacher's Award for their amazing performance of Cinderella Rockerfella!

Well done to Alfie who has been wonderful all year- he is a great friend to others and incredibly hardworking.

Jack and Sam won the Good to be Green Awards today for following the school values.

Abigail won the Vocabulary Ninja Award.

Congratulations to all of the children who won their Headteacher's Award today- a fabulous achievement to receive before leaving primary school. 

Last Forest School

Year 6 enjoyed their final Forest School with Mrs Anson yesterday. We had swinging in the hammocks, pitching tents and climbing trees.

