Class Blog

Year 6 Blog

KS2 Sport’s Day

The rain managed to stay away and we had a fabulous sports day this afternoon. The children were fantastic and it was fabulous seeing so many parents and careers come and watch. Well done everyone! The results will be added to all the events this week and the winning team will be announced on Friday. 

Rounders competition

Some Year 6 pupils represented Broadbent Fold in a rounders competition this week coming 2nd in their group. They played against Micklehurst with a final score of 6 - 1.5 rounders and against Moorside with a very close score of 4.5 - 5 rounders. There were some great tactics and quick thinking with our team getting lots of people out at first base. Well done to everyone that took part!

Y6 Star of the week 16-6-23

Congratulations to Lexi and Dylan for winning the Headteacher's Award today.

Lexi wrote a super non-chronological report about Llandudno this week and I can see how much effort she put into planning this at home- well done!

Dylan is a pleasure to have in the class and he is an outstanding role model at Broadbent Fold.

Rocky and Kasia won the Good to be Green Award.

Well done Xander who watched Sports Aid this week and managed to get his football shirt signed by some players- lucky lad!

Summer 2 Topic Information

I cannot believe we are on our final half term before year 6 move on to their new secondary school. Please read our new topic information for Summer 2: 'Why were the Mayans magnificent'? Please note the important dates on our topic overview which is on our class blog including the end of year dates for your diary. I have also ttached the home learning grid with more opportuntities for learning from home. Please remember that the creative homework task is to be completed by 26th June. 


Y6 Star of the week 26-05-23

Well done to Sam and Seth for winning the Headteacher's Award for their teamwork creating a poster about how animals adapt to desert life. 

Sam and Harriet won the Good to be Green Award.

Boyd is this term's Vocabulary Ninja Award winner for using amazing language in his writing. 

Gorse Hall fun

Year 6 had a fabulous morning in Gorse Hall today as a treat for their hard work leading up to SATS.

Our new vegetable plot

What a fantastic job the Eco Leaders and the lovely volunteers from Findel Education did making the new vegetable garden. We have planted lots of vegetables and fruit in our beds and are looking forward to seeing them grow. We can't wait to see the fruits of our labours! Thank you so much for all of your donations they are very much appreciate. 
