Class Blog

Year 6 Blog

Anniversary Assembly

What a wonderful momentous occasion as Broadbent Fold celebrated turning 50. So many past teachers and pupils turned up to celebrate. We shared an assembly, planted a tree and a time capsule and enjoyed a slice of cake and a cup of tea reminiscing. What a fantastic morning we all had. 

Visit from Andy Robertson

What a way to end sports week with a visit from GB sprinter Andy Robertson to give out our sporting awards! There was lots of excellent sportsmanship shown over the course of this week with lots of children learning new skills. Thank you Andy for coming in to give out the awards and answer all our questions about what it is like to be an elite athlete. 

The final scores for Sports Week are in....

1st place = Ruby with 560 points

2nd place = Amber with 550 points

3rd place = Sapphire with 547 points

4th place = Emerald with 531 points

Y6 Star of the week 23-6-23

For Sports Week Boyd and Harriet won the Sports Awards. Both children have competed in competitions and tournaments skillfully with sportsmanship. Boyd is a dedicated Sports Ambassador too and his leadership skills this week have shone. Harriet was a fair referee in our Football Tournament.

Well done to our Good to be Green winners Thomas and Alfie.

Well done to the Gold Award winners who won their badges today.

A special congratulations to our first three superstars who won the Headteacher's Award today! 

Y6 Football Tournament and Circuit Training

Yesterday we had our Football Tournament- all of the goals scored have been collated to be added to the final score board sheet for each house.

Today children took part in circuit training- I spotted some great techniques.

What a fantatstic Sports Week!

Fantastic first forest school session with Year 6

What a fabulous forest session we all had. Bug hunting, chilling and having fun in the hammock, playing the forest ranger game and whittling sticks. We found lots of ladybird larvae, violet ground beetles and caught flies! Well done everyone. 

Y6 Basketball Tournament

As part of Sports Week year 6 had our basketball tournament today. The competition was fierce and their basketball skills were fantastic. Thank you to Henry for refereeing. 

All of the goals scored will be added to the final scores to determine the winning house team.

Good luck everyone!

Litter Picking

Year 2 have been doing a fantastic job with their litter picking. They have found lots of interesting items buried under the bushes! A brilliant way to help save the environment.
