Class Blog

Year 6 Blog

How to help children deal with loneliness - Mental Health Awareness Week 2022


“An emotion is like a fish in a pond that can take over at any time.” (Primary school child)

The Mental Health Foundation hosted the first Mental Health Awareness Week 21 years ago – a key moment for people and organisations across the UK to reflect on the importance of mental health and wellbeing.This year, the theme is loneliness.

Stress busting with Freddie Fit in Year 6

Freddie Fit was so uplifting today and the children really enjoyed the different activities over the afternoon. Keeping active, staying hydrated, a good balanced diet and sensible sleep habits were discussed in his sessions which are so important to stay focused. 

Well done year 6. 

Year 6 Stars of the week 6-5-22

Well done to all of you this week- you have worked incredibly hard towards your SATs tests and we are all very proud of you.

Also well done to Albert who won a headteacher's award for being hardworking and conscientious in all lessons. You couldn't try any harder Albert and I am so proud of your commitment to work.

Ellie and Jessica won the good to be green award for being such amazing role models again! You are the dream team ladies!

Good luck to all of our year 6 class for next week. You can do this! 

Bikeability in year 6

Well done year 6- your skills and attitude during Bikeability have been wonderful. The instructors have commented on how hard you have worked and how polite you have been. 

Thank goodness for the nice weather too! 

Marvellous Magic in Key Stage 2!

Mr Harrison, currently working as a Student Teacher in Year 5, has been passing on his skills as a Children's Entertainer to groups of children from Year 5 and 6 during Good to be Green time each Friday!  They are being taught how to create illusions, such as disappearing colour, and how to make sword balloons!  As you can see they are having great fun! Mrs Blomeley

Y6 Star of the week 29-4-22

Congratulations to Reuben and Tilly for winning Headteacher's Award in assembly today.

Reuben is always very hard working and produces work to the highest standard. I am really impressed with your focus and attitude in class.

Tilly created a fabulous design on the 3D modelling software Tinkercad- she will have her winning pencil pot printed using a 3D printer.

Harrison and Harley won the good to be green award for being ready, respectful and safe this week.

Congratulations to all of Year 6 for a wonderful first week back. 

Tinkercad project

In Computing last half term, Year 6 learned how to use 3D modelling software 'Tinkercad'. They really enjoyed using this and picked up the skills very quickly. Their end task was to design a pencil pot with a list of given criteria. They had to accurately create shapes and add holes to them for the pencils to fit. They also added a personal design onto their pencil pots using various methods. I have chosen Tilly's design to make a 3D model of- she really worked hard on her design. In assembly today she received a (much smaller) prototype of her pencil pot.

Year 6 Topic information Summer 1

This term our topic question is 'Skellig: is it a bird or mythical creature?' We will read David Almond's 'Skellig' and look at how animals and plants are classified scientifically. We will link this to our geography learning looking at how animals and plants are adapted to live in desert conditions.


Please see the attached overview of our topics this term. Also find the home learning grid for additional activities which can be completed at home. 

Y6 Awards

Well done to Jessica and Darcy who won a Headteacher's Award today. This week we have been practising our charcoal skills to make a Shaun Tan inspired piece of art which fits in with the journey stories that we have produced in class. Both girls have really shone in this and their artwork is so impressive- well done.

Molly and Ava have won the 'Good to be green' award for being excellent role models in the class all of the time. 

Maisie was selected to go to 'Afternoon tea with Mrs P' for remaining on green this term- well done to you!
