Class Blog

Year 6 Blog

Y6 Star of the week 1-4-22

Congratulations to our Stars of the Week Ethan and Harrison who received a Headteacher's award today.

Ethan has written a formal letter of complaint using the subjunctive form effectively. Well done!

Harrison has flourised in maths this week and he loves algebra! I am so impressed with your enthusiasm Harrison.

Darcy (again) and Albert are our Good to be Green Award winners for following the school values all week.

Well done to Cameron for winning the Vocabulary Ninja Award- let's see more of this fantastic vocabulary in your writng now!

Y6 Street Dance

Year 6 have been learning a choreographed routine with our Dance Coach on Wednesdays. Their Street Dance is really progressing well. There is a lot of complicated armography in it and they all remember it so well. 

Broadbent Fold vs Bradley Green

The boys football team played against Bradley Green Primary Academy on Friday night. The boys had a fantastic game but unfortunately lost 4-0. Xander was player of the match for his energy and attempts at feeding the ball into other players to have shots at the goal. A special thank you to Daniel who volunteered to help the team last minute too. Well done to everyone who played, you did Broadbent Fold proud. 

Y6 Star of the week 25-3-22

Well done to our Stars of the week Bradley and Matilda.

Bradley has been really enthusiastic in his writing about refugess this week and we are so very proud of him.

Matilda is growing in confidence in her SPAG booster and she works hard in every session- Mrs Gething is very impressed!

Well done to Joshua and Niamh for winning the good to be green pencil this week and for following our school values. 

New to BBF - Wellbeing Wednesdays!

Our Pupil Leaders have decided that every Wednesday is a wellbeing 'check-in' day. On Wellbeing Wednesday we take time to chat, to do yoga, meditation and share things on our mind. Staff and pupils are joining in with these special days every week. Join in at home too and talk to each other. 

Science Fair 2022

We are incredibly proud of our Year 6 class who worked really hard to organise and run the Science Fair today. They were superb role models for our younger children and have shared their scientific knowledge so well all morning. Please look through the photographs. 

Science at Rayner Stephens High School

Today Year 6 took part in some science activities at Rayner High School for British Science Week.

The children worked collaboraitvely to design and then make towers using only spaghetti and marshmallows. This was very tricky but the they rose to the challenge thinking about the strongest shapes to use to make a balanced structure and using the marshmallow as glue. Well done to our winning team Bobby, Ayden and Albert.

We then split into two groups to either dissect a sheep heart or make parachutes for an egg.

Science Boffins in Y6

We had a workshop on Tuesday with the Science Boffins exploring polymers. We discussed stactic electricity and how when we create friction by rubbing something together, like a balloon on hair, the electrons move from the atoms and molecules in your hair onto the balloon. Electrons have a negative charge, so the balloon becomes negatively charged and your hair is left with a positive charge which makes them stick together. 

We also talked about polymers and how they are used on film sets to make noxious slime. We then mixed PVA glue and borax to make our own slime. 

Growth in Y6

In Year 6 we will have a competition to see who can grow the healthiest, tallest sunflower. We will look after these in class at first but then will eventually plant them on the school grounds.

We have taken part in the British Science Week competition to design a growth poster- we will choose a winner from the class to win a certificate.

We will be investigating the best conditions for plants to grow by measuring the growth of spring onions to discover the variables which affect growth. 


Science Boffins for British Science Week

On Tuesday the Science Boffin Vicki visited Broadbent Fold as part of British Science Week.

During the assembly we watched paper disappear when she lit it on fire - this is special paper called 'flash paper' 

Miss Harvey was kindly volunteered to have water tipped on her head... luckily the water had disappeared from the cup. This was because slush powder was in the bottom of the cup- this is a special powder which absorbs water. This is what is used in disposable nappies. 
