Class Blog

Year 6 Blog

Y6 Star of the week 18-2-22

Well done to our Stars of the week Connor and Molly.

Connor is a delightful young man who is very polite and helpful in the class.

Molly has been working hard in maths and I am impressed with her new found confidence.

Niamh and Tilly won the Good to be Green Award this week- well done ladies.

Darcy is our Vocabulary Ninja Star this term.

A special well done to all of Year 6 for your hard work during the mock SATs this week. We are all really proud of you!!


British Science Week

Broadbent Fold will be celebrating British Science Week this year. The theme this year is ‘growth’. We will welcome ‘The Science Boffins’ into school during the week. On Friday 18th March we will host an exciting Science Fair. Also we will have an optional DRESS UP DAY- on 18th March where children can come to school dressed up as a real-life scientist. This could be anyone from David Attenborough, Mae C Jemison, Brian Cox, Marie Curie, Jane Goodall, Ada Lovelace…. there are endless possibilities. We can’t wait to see who you will be.

World Book Day

World Book day will be celebrated on Thursday 3rd March and children may come to school dressed as their favourite character or author. In school we will celebrate the day with many events including virtual author workshops, a visit by Manchester-based author Matt Goodfellow and we have the return of Broadbent Fold's 'The Masked Reader' Please check out the World Book Day website for news and events during March- World Book Day | World Book Day is a

Y6 Star of the week 11-2-22

This weeks Stars of the Week are Ellie and Jessica. They worked collaboratively to research and make a Powerpoint Presentation about E-Safety. This was informative and interactive with a quiz. They performed it confidently to the class.

Jessica has also won the good to be green award along with Roban. They are great role models in the class.

Conner won an award for taking part in the bowling competition this week.

Bobby and Charlie won their Bronze Awards.

Niamh, Tilly, Ellie, Brooke and Sophie have won their Silver Awards. 

Well done to all of you!!

Safer Internet Day 2022

Year 6 have explored Safer Internet Day this week looking at facts and tips for staying safe online. We looked in particular at being respectful online and the effects of cyberbullying. The children made posters or Powerpoint Presentations which they presented to their peers. These were informative and often interactive.

Well done year 6. 

Happy Safer Internet Day!

Our pupils are working hard learning about keeping safe online, which also supports mental health week. 

If families want to learn more, Parent Zone has a free Safer Internet Day Special Event on Tuesday 8 February, 4.30-5.00 pm, live on YouTube.

Keeping Children Safe

Stay safe everyone!  

How many APPs do you know?

Ask children why do we have age recommendations for APPs? 

 Remember children send your E-Safety entries into your teachers?

Year 6 Stars of the week 4-2-22

Congratulations to this weeks Stars of the Week Harley and Brooke.

Harley is always really enthusiastic in maths and is really enjoying our work on fractions!!!

Brooke has excelled in science this week remembering lots of facts about the circulatory system.

Our Good to be Green winners are Sophie and Charlie who have been green all week.

Well done!!!
