Class Blog

Year 6 Blog

All about Poland day

Year 6 really enjoyed finding out about Poland this week. 

We have tasted Polish food, used maps to locate Poland in Europe and to look at the georaphical features of Poland. 

We have also researched different places in Poland to produce a class book.

Please look through the photographs of our fun day. 

Y6 Star of the week 24-9-21

Congratulations to our Y6 Stars of the week Ava and Charlie.

Ava's Islamic artwork was very impressive this week and is now on the KS2 art gallery. She had great ideas on our All about Poland day too and created a fantastic 3D map of Poland with her group. 

Charlie's enthusiasm for learning Polish has been noticed by several of the teachers around the school. He even joined in in the Polish baby shark song with great enthusiasm. His work during our 'All about Poland day' was very impressive too.

Freddy Fit Fun

Year 1 had a fantastic time doing some circuit training with Freddy Fit and loved taking part in all the different activities. A big thank you to all the Year 6 helpers who helped to run the stations and were great role models to the Year 1's. 

Freddie Fit circuit training

Year 6 enjoyed their circuit training with Freddie Fit last week. They also all got the opportunity to train as leaders to support children in reception and year 1.

Well done you will get very fit if you keep doing this :)

Y6 Star of the week 17-9-21

Well done to our Y6 stars of the week Molly and Maisie.

Molly has started the year well with some impressive research about Queen Victoria for homework.

Maisie has shown kindness and patience to the peers in her class. 

Well done to our sports ambassadors who were voted for by the class. They received their badges today. 

Y6 Stars of the week

Congratulations to the Y6 Stars of the week Harrison and Ellie.

Harrison has really impressed me with his enthusiasm and understanding in our reading sessions.

Ellie has presented each piece of work beautifully to such a high standard.

Albert and Jessica have won the good to be green raffle for following the school expectations all week. They are great role models.


Y6 Maths home learning

If you would like to complete some additional work to support our learning in class this term, download these booklets and complete at home. Send in a picture or bring them into school when they have been completed for me to have a look. 

Autumn 1 Topic Information Y6

We have a wonderful half term ahead of us where we will explore and celebrate how we are all unique.

Our class text this half term is 'Can you see me now? by Libby Scott and Rebecca Westcott which follows the story of an eleven year old girl called Tally who has been diagnosed with autism and is about to start her journey at secondary school. We also look at the text 'Wonder' by R.J Palacio which is about Auggie who was born with Treacher Collins syndrome.
