Class Blog

Reception Blog

Home Learning - 20th April 2020

Please find attached this week's home learning.

The caterpillars have just hatched out of their eggs.  They are very small and not moving very much at the moment.  They are very hungry and are eating the food in the pot.

Hope you are all well and safe!

Mrs Kleban

Noah's Easter Egg Cookies

Noah has made some delicious looking cookies using his Easter Eggs!  They look so yummy!


He has also done some fantastic writing about spring animals - fantastic!

Mrs Kleban

Reception Home Learning W/B - 13th April

Here is the link for some more home learning ideas.

I have also added some new science learning to Education City.  Well done everyone that has completed the maths activities, I have been viewing all your scores and you have worked super hard! Fantastic!  I will be giving certificates out for all the Education City Superstars when we get back to school.

Click on read more to access.

Stay safe!  Miss you all!

Mrs Kleban
