Class Blog

Reception Blog

Lottie's School

Lottie is having a marvellous time at her home school.  She has been wearing her uniform, having a packed lunch and even has her own peg! I absoloutely love her reading corner, it looks so cosy, wish I could come for some lessons!  She has been doing some fantastic work too, those buns look super tasty!  Keep up all your hard work Lottie, I miss you so much!

Mrs Kleban

Stay Active

Here is a skipping challenge for today. How many skips can you do in 60 seconds? Will you achieve a bronze, silver or gold medal? 

Stay Active Board Game

Here is a fun game you can play with all the family. It has the same rules as snakes and ladders but if you land on a 'points' square, the person whose turn it is next has to give you an activity to do, if you land on a school games mark, choose a card at random to see what your activity is. 

Have fun and keep safe!
