Class Blog

Reception Blog

Sharing Spanish - La Oruga Muy Hambrienta!

During recent Spanish sessions, Year 5 created their own versions of The Very Hungry Caterpillar (La Oruga Muy Habrienta).  Their Spanish books were designed with the younger children in mind and included colourful drawings with tactile front covers.  Year 5 were delighted to be able to visit Nursery, Reception and Year 1 to share their completed books and the feeling was mutual!  The younger children, some of them siblings of Year 5, were amazed by the books; they were absolutely enthralled by Year 5's story-telling!  What fantastic role models Year 5 are!  Well done everyone!  Mrs Blomele

Royal Wedding Celebrations

To celebrate the Royal Wedding Nursery and Reception decorated Union Jack Flags in red, white and blue. They counted Royal objects and coloured Royal pictures. On Friday, children really enjoyed dressing up and attending a tea party.

Science investigating in the outdoor area

Reception and Nursery used the outdoor equipment to see how far and how fast a ball could go, children's ideas were used to decided how to investigate this.  They found out that the higher the drain pipe the faster the ball went.

Winter Reading Workshop

 Lots of fun was had at our reading workshop. The children all enjoyed all the different activities. Thank you everyone that attended.

Penguin on the Loose!

There has been a penguin on the loose in our classroom. We have been searching everywhere to try and find it! We have made missing posters and painted pictures to help.


Our topic this half term is Winter and Arctic aminals. We have been Arctic explorers and have been finding lots of facts about the animals.

Nativity 2017

I'm sure you will all agree how fabulous the children were in their Nativity this year. We are very proud of them.


We have been reading 'Aliens Love Underpants'. We have designed and made 3D model aliens. We also used the computers to design and draw our own alien.


Our topic this half term is space. The children have loved learning in our space station role play area. They have made some fantastic rockets in our making area and love finding information about space in our reading area.
