Class Blog

Nursery Blog

RE Week

In RE week we learnt all about Noah's Ark. We made some fantastic rainbows and counted all the animals for Noah. Outside we built an amazing ark.

Jigsaw Fun

We have all worked hard on our fine motor skills today. We have loved doing the jigsaws and really persevered even when we found them a little tricky!


We have made some fantastic necklaces with the beads today. We described the colour and shape of the beads we were using.

Nursery Fun

We have had a fantastic few weeks in Nursery. We have all settled in and we are very much enjoying learning in all our different areas.

Assault Course

We had an amazing time on the inflatable assault course! Thank you to everyone who sponsored us. The NSPCC will be thrilled with all the money raised.

Sports Week

This week has been whole school Sports Week. We have been representing Italy. We have made flags, pizzas and have located Italy on the map. The pizzas were absolutely delicious! We have also been learning to say some Italian words.


We have been looking at the paintings of Vincent Van Gough. We have recreated his famous 'Sunflowers' painting.
