Class Blog

Nursery Blog

What an amazing Year!

I cannot believe another year has gone by! We have had an amazing year and are so proud of each and every one of our children. They have all worked so hard and made fantastic progress! Here are some snap shots of our 'best bits' from throughout the year.

Sports Day

We had an amazing time at our sports day. Everyone tried their hardest and supported their teams.

Blackpool Trip

We had an amazing time on our Blackpool trip. We saw some fascinating creatures in the Sealife Centre and had lots of fun at the beach. Thank you to all our helpers!

Water Fun

We have been learning all about capacity this week. The children have loved investigating with the different sized containers.


we have loved our topic on Minibeasts. We have been writing caterpillar diaries, this week our caterpillars turned into butterflies. It was very exciting!

Greek Week Pottery

We are having a fantastic time in Greek Week. We have been learning songs, designing mosaics and particularly enjoyed creating our own Greek pots!

Science Week

The children loved all our science week activities based around growing. The garden centre role play has been a massive success and the cooking and tasting roasted vegetables went down a treat too!


This week is Science Week.  We are learning all about growing, the life cycle of a plant and what plants need to grow.  

World Book Day

We all looked fabulous in our World Book Day costumes. We loved our grandparents coming in to read stories to us. A magnificent day was had by all! 
