Club Blogs

Cross Country Grand Prix

Broadbent Fold pupils gave up their Saturday morning to represent school in the second cross country race of the year. A big well done to everyone who took part.

Year 3/4 Girls

Aubrey 12th

Maisie 25th

Isabelle 35th

Year 3/4 Boys

Sam 10th

Oliver 43rd

Josh 45th

James 46th

Jake 48th

Year 5/6 Girls

Laura 14th

Year 5/6 Boys 

Xander 8th

Tyler 23rd

Broadbent Fold vs Yew Tree

It was a very busy night for our football teams with both the boys team and girls team playing against Yew Tree Primary School.

The girls team showed great teamwork and communication skills winning their match 1-0. 

The boys team showed great perseverance throughout their match but lost 3-2. Harley was the player of the match for his fantastic defending skills. 

Well done to everyone that played and thank you to Yew Tree for organising the matches. 

Cross Country Grand Prix

Lots of pupils braved the cold on Saturday morning for the first cross country race this year. I was so impressed with the sportsmanship of everyone who took part and how everyone was cheering the pupils who were racing on. 

Year 3/4 Girls

6th Aubrey

16th Maisie

24th Faye


Year 3/4 Boys

6th Sam

12th Oliver

20th James


Year 5/6 Girls

12th Laura


Year 5/6 Boys

9th Boyd

10th Xander

18th Tyler 

19th Daniel


Well done to everyone who took part!

Tag Rugby Competition

A big well done to the Year 5 and 6's who represented Broadbent Fold in the tag rugby competition this week. They all did the school proud coming 3rd in their group. They won against Moorside and Greenside 2 and lost to Russell Scott and Manchester Road 1. All pupils showed brilliant teamwork and great sportsmanship. 

Broadbent Fold vs Arlies

The girls football team had a fantastic first match against Arlies Primary School with Broadbent Fold winning 13-0. Laura got player of the match for her fantastic teamwork and for scoring 4 goals for the team. Thank you to Arlies for hosting the match. 
