Club Blogs

Tameside Cross Country Championships 2019

29 runners, 6 placed in the top 10 and 2 representing Tameside at the forthcoming Greater Manchester Cross Country Championships - what an amazing morning we all had. Each and every runner wore their Broadbent Fold vest with great pride and showed true grit and character. We are eagerly awaiting the team results to see how we did overall. Mr Connaghan

Pupil Leadership Team 2018/2019

The newly appointed Pupil Leadership team set about their first task last week - to choose a Science Certficate which wll be awarded in future Merit Assemblies.  This was suggested at the end of the last school year when the puil leaders put the idea forward to Ms Thornton Jones.  The team are looking forward to working together in future, helping to ensure that pupils have a voice in some of the decisions made in school. 

Sports Clubs Autumn term 1 2017

This half term we have:Tag Rugby every Wednesday 3-4pm open to Year 4, 5 and 6 children. Yoga club every Monday 3-4pm open to Year 1, 2 and 3 children. We have limited space at our after school clubs so chidren are chosen based on a first come first served basis. Thank you for your continued support. Miss Lewis

Greater Manchester School Games Rounder Competition

On Thursday 2nd June 2017, a group of Year 4, 5 and 6 children attended the School Games rounders competition at New Charter Aademy. The children came first and went through to the Greater Manchester rounders competition at New Charter Academy on Wednesday 28th June. The children played fantastic and showed determination, passion and fantastic knowledge of the rules of rounders. The children won their group and played a final match to determind 1st or 2nd or 3rd place.
