Head teacher's blog

In memory of Queen Elizabeth II

On Sunday I visited Dukinfield Town Hall and placed some beautiful flowers in memory and in thanks to our Queen. From all the pupils and staff at Broadbent Fold Primary School and Nursery, we are saddened by the loss to the nation, but thankful we were part of her reign. 

Local Sports Nomination.

We are excited to tell you that we have been nominated for the Active Tameside Sport and Physical Activity Awards 2022. The event is a showcase for all the hard work that takes place in Tameside’s voluntary sport and physical activity clubs and groups. Broadbetn Fold Primary School and Nursery have been nominated for: School commitment to PE and sport award. This nomination is in recognition of our hard work and achievements over the last year. Well done to our pupils and staff for their effort and enthusiasm, especially Miss Mainprize our PE Leader.

Year 6 Head Girl, Head Boy and Prefects.

It is my pleasure to introduce you to our Head Girl Kasia and Head Boy Xander. They will be supported in their role by our Prefects; Henry, Harriet, Heidi, Seth, Maycie and Alfie. They will be working closely with me to support classes and drive standards in our school. They are all perfect role-models and I cannot wait to work with you all this year. Well done! 


We have achieved our golden award for PE - Games. We were aiming for silver, but got gold. Well done everyone! A huge well done and thank you to Miss Mainprize, who has worked so hard as our PE leader to achieve this. 

Our Roof is Complete.

Mr Daniel Parker the Executive at Crescent Roofing came today in assembly to share photos of the whole process. This was fascinating for our pupils and inspired a couple to want to be a roofer! We were also lucky to get drone footage of the school, which the pupils loved. Let's hope that it will last us, so we no longer need any more pots of pans! Our Pupil Leaders had some great questions, which Daniel answered and gave us more detail of the whole process. Well done to our leaders, you always make me proud. 

Summer Fair

Thank you to everyone for joining us and supporting us on our summer fair. We had the good weather, great games, lovely food and plenty of fun. Thank you to the PTFA for their support too! We will share our total soon, but this will go to improving our libraries. 

Swimming Gala

 Well done to our year 5 and 6s who represented Broadbent Fold in the Tameside Swimming Gala. Pupils swam so fast and we even had a couple of 1st places! We came 6th overall and the pupils were a great team supporting and cheering each other on. We are very proud. 

Rotary Club Presentation

The Rotary Club presented our year 6 pupils with a Dictionary for Life. These lovely gifts were presented by Angela Robbins

Tameside Rotary President 221/22, Joyce Howarth and Brian Travis in our assembly today. 

Diversity Week

Welcome to School Diversity Week 2022!

This year, School Diversity Week is bigger than ever – thousands of primary and secondary schools are signed up to take part and celebrate, showing their pupils that being LGBT is something to be celebrated. From talking about diverse families and hearing from children's authors in our storytime series. We are delighted that Broadbent Fold are supporting young people across the UK. More information can be found: 
