Head teacher's blog

Worry Wizard Assembly

Our assembly this week looked at our work on working 'together' to share our worries. There have been some lovely pieces of work shared. We are starting to create our book of worries and a toolkit to help ourselves and each other. Try to write a poem for next week at home. Year 1 and 2 - this can be about Worries and Year 3,4,5 and 6 this can be about Wellbeing. Wellbeing means we are turning worries to wellbeing to make us happy again. Send me all your poems! 

Worry Wizard

The Worry Wizard will be part of my assemblies in school. This will link to home learning and activities that can be done in school and at home. Together, our school community will embark on an exciting journey to understand what Wellbeing is and how we can all support it.

More information can be found: https://www.theworrywizard.com/

Remembrance Sunday

Our Broadbent Fold wreath was laid in Dukinfield yesterday by our governor Mr Moon, his granddaughter Lily (in year 6) and his family.

Thank you. 

Lest We Forget.

Harvest - Thank you!

Thank you families for all your harvest donations. They have been collected by Tameside East Food Bank today. All your support at this difficult time is truly appreciated! We will let you know the final weight. 

Special Visitors - Max and Harvey

What a fabulous day we have had in green and blue raising money for the RMCH and our NHS. Thank you as always for your support and donations.

Max and Harvey were a huge hit with the children. They sang their own song The Stranger and did a OneD number for us. Our pupils asked some very good questions and they shared their experience with our pupils.

What a way to start the weekend! 

Thank you BBF and Max and Harvey. 

Green and Blue Day with Max and Harvey

I am excited to tell you that we have won a competition. Next Friday on this special fund-raising day X-Factor and CBBC stars Max and Harvey will be visiting our school. They will be performing one of their songs to the children in their bubbles and take whole class selfies. They support the Royal Manchester Children's Hospital with fund raising and want to spread their thanks to our school. I am very excited and need to dust off my best outfit that is green and/or blue. 

Home Learning Certificates

Dear Families

Today we have started to send out certifcates to pupils who have really made huge efforts with home learning.

Class teachers have nominated pupils in their year groups. I have seen work online and on Seesaw. I am truly impressed. 

Please look out for a special e-mail.

Well done to the winners this week! 
