School Blog

Pupil Leaders meet Governors

Today our pupil leaders met our Chair and Vice Chair of Governors. They discussed current themes in school, shared the policies they have been working on and asked our governors some questions. We are planning a question and answer session in the next few months. 

Internet Safety in Year 4

Internet Safety 2023 is "Want to talk about it" Today in class we talked about how we use the internet. We looked at what to do when we are confronted with issues. The children were quite aghast at the age restrictions on some social media sites and games that they regularly use. However, they did come up with some fantastic solutions and were very sensible when they talked openly about using the internet. 

Mysterious Cake Designs

Year 4 was met with a plethora of disguised cakes this morning. Have a look at the exceptional creations from Year 4. This is definitely going to improve our mental health this week when we're sampling them. Fantastic work Year 4. 

Mystery Cake Design

Well I've never been prouder of Year 4. As part of our homework projects I challenged the children to create a cake that was mysteriously disguised as something else.  Here are a few of their designs that were posted on Seesaw this weekend. I'm so impressed with them all and the ingenious ideas. Who would have thought about making a cake to look like pizza, bread, a candle, a Rubix cube, a dog food bowl, a football stadium or a diary. I hope mums and dads have thoroughly enjoyed helping too. I look forward to seeing more in the morning. 

Design a football kit competition winners

Lots of pupils at Broadbent Fold have taken part in the PaninI design a football kit competition. Our sports council selected these fabulous entries as our school winners. All entries have been submitted to Panini, fingers crossed we win! Well done to everyone that took part. 

Year 5's D & T - One stitch at a time!

Year 5 have started their D&T Project by learning to sew!  They began by learning to thread a needle and tying knots in the thread, then quickly moved on to using a basic running stitch to join two pieces of material!   Fantastic concentration and a  great start by everyone!  Mrs Blomeley

Awards in Year 5!

Well done to all our Year 5 award winners this week!  Fantastic contribution to our Science session, being a great friend and, of course, being Ready, Respectful and Safe, led to this week's awards.  Bronze awards for 50 star points and a Silver award for 100 star points were also achieved, as well as football stickers for the winners of the "design a football kit" competition!  Well done everyone!  Fantastic work!  Mrs Blomeley

Big Battery Hunt

The Eco leaders have given out boxes to children in their class so that they can collect batteries for recycling.  If your child did not bring a box home the used batteries can be brought into school in a plastic bag. The bags and boxes can be handed to the eco leaders in your child's class and they will bring them to me.  We are only collecting these used batteries: AAA  AA  C  D  The batteries that we collect will be recycled to make new batteries, used in the construction industry and they can even be made into fertilizer!  Please don't throw your old batteries away.  Ov
