School Blog

Amazing achievements

Well done to the children who received his weeks Head-Teacher and Good to be Green awards, Well done everybody! A fantastic effort to the four children who have reached 100 star points and achieved their silver award this week. Well done to L, G and E who have all been very busy outside of school achieving swimming and gymnastics awards. Also, well done to M and L who won the year 2 sports competition and to all of those children that entered. Good job everybody!

Friday Awards

A big well done to the Year 3 children who received certificates today. The Head Certificates were awarded for brilliant behaviour and attitude to learning as well as working hard in phonics sessions. We had two Good to be Green winners and two children achieved their Silver Award. Congratulation!

Y6 Star of the week 3-2-23

Congratulations to our Stars of the Week Pasha and Henry.

Pasha has been working hard in class this week and he is putting a lot of effort into his home learning. I was impressed with his Viking biography which he completed for homework this week.

Henry has really worked hard in science this week and has accurately remembered lots of knowledge about the circulatory system. 

Well done to our Good to be Green Award winners Sam and Evan. 

Magic Wands

This week in nursery we have collected sticks to design and make magic wands. We have used a little bit of magic to create them and used the magic word Abracadabra!

Art in Year 3

Year 3 looked at the art work by the Japanese artist Hokusai. They used watercolours to create background washes and used oil pastels to create pictures of disasters.

These photos show children practising using oil pastels.

Partition Multiplication

Year 4 have started their first steps into short multiplication. They have been using their multiplication and place value knowledge to partition and multiply numbers together.  Look at their fantastic work. 

Marvellous Music

Year 4 are getting quite expert at playing their penny whistles. Today, they have continued to practise their notes, learn new songs, analyse rhythms and play along to Hallelujah and When the Saints go Marching in. We even sang one of my favourite song today- Mr Blue Sky by ELO. 

Book Look

Thank you to the families who joined us for our book look. We are very proud of the hard work our pupils are doing everyday - we are pleased you are too. There will be another opportunity soon. 

Positive Praise from Parents

Last night, Year 4 parents came to look at their children's books. Have a read of the lovely reponses they left for their children. What a fantastic positive evening. Thank you everyone for coming. 
