School Blog

#Let Girls Play

We received a certificate for us taking part in #Letgirlsplay day. Look at our pictures across the blogs, lots to celebrate with equality in sport. 


Zoo2U animal workshop came to visit nursery this morning. We had a fantastic morning learning all about the animals and we all listened beautifully. Great job, nursery!

World Book Day

On World Book Day we dressed up as our favourite book character and shared stories with our friends.

Brilliant Biographies

As part of our world book day writing activities, Year 4 researched about Karen Inglis. Have a look at some of their fantastic writing. 

Year 5's Cricket Skills!

Year 5 improved their Cricket skills yesterday by learning to bowl with consistent accuracy and length!  They used the fiigures 6 and 12 to help them focus on perfecting an overarm bowl, which they then extended to  run-up bowls.  Brilliant work Year 5!  Mrs Blomeley

Year 5's Fun at the Science Fair!

Year 5 were so excited to visit the Science Fair today and Year 4 didn't disappoint!  They were brilliant hosts and so knowledgeable about their particular element of science!  There were so many areas of science on offer that Year 5 were spoilt for choice but they managed to have a try at everything!  It was great fun!  Thank you Year 4 and Mrs Higham and Miss Deer for organising the event!  We loved it! Mrs Blomeley

Year 1 at the Science Fair

Year 1 loved visiting the school Science fair. They got to guess the flavour of crisps by smelling them, see how many cubes could fit in a boat before it sank, make fizzy colours and so much more. They even got to pass electricity through everyone at the end to make the bar light up and learnt if they let go of hands and broke the circuit that it wouldn't light up anymore. A big thank you to the Year 4 pupils for running it; you were great and I'm sure you are Scientists in the making!

Fun at the fair…

Year 6 had a wonderful time at the Science Fair today where they took part in a multitude of science activities ranging from magnets to chemical reactions to digestive systems to stactic electricity.

Thank you to Year 4 for organising this and for your fabulous leadership skills.

Science Fair

Today, Year 2 took part in lot’s of fun science experiments which Year 4 prepared and delivered. These activities included: chemical reactions, optical illusions, learning about famous Scientists, locating and labelling human body parts, working with magnets and much more.
