School Blog

Easter competition winners

Well done to everyone who entered the Easter egg / bonnet competition, your entries were very creative! Well done to the year 2 winners! There winning entries are inspired by the topics that we have learnt so far this academic year. Well done to R who won a prize in our whole school raffle! Happy Easter everyone!

Eggcellent Winners

A massive congratulations to all our Easter Egg entries and our class winners. Have a fabulous Easter break everyone and I'll see you on the 15th of April. 

Easter Egg Donation

Just look at all these chocolates ready to raffle. Thank you to Asda superstore for all their generous donations. Our Head Girl and Head Boy were very tempted to have a bite!

P4C: is any crime justified?

In P4C today we looked at what may happen when a peaceful protest turns violent. We looked at a fictional story of a group who wanted to save a park from being changed into a shopping centre who had tried to use legal methods to stop the plans. When the group then made a violent attack and set the council offices on fire in protest we discussed if this could be considered justified? We had some really great discussions about this. Our P4C sessions will continue next term.

Food Categorisation

Year 4 worked hard at ensuring they could categorise food into their main components. The children thoroughly enjoyed discussing whether the foods were proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, fibre or dair. Well done Year 4. 

#LetGirlsPlay competition entries

Well done to all the children who took part in the #letgirlsplay competition set by our Game Changers where they had to design a poster or a girls football kit. There were some fantastic entries. Which one is your favourite?

A big well done to our winners!
