School Blog

Could you be an evacuee? - Summer 1


Summer 1

PE days are Tuesday and Thursday. Outdoor PE kits please.

We are very much looking forward to teaching this half term's theme all linked to WW2. Of course history will be the main subject. Our English diary writing and newspaper writing will be enhanced by our historical knowledge.

Attached are our MTP and Home Learning Grid for children to complete and share.

Skellig: is it a bird or mythical creature?

This term our topic question is 'Skellig: is it a bird or mythical creature?' We will read David Almond's 'Skellig' and look at how animals and plants are classified scientifically. We will link this to our geography learning looking at how animals and plants are adapted to live in desert conditions.

Please see the attached overview of our topics this term. Also find the home learning grid for additional activities which can be completed at home. 

Y4 Summer 1 2024

Dear Parents, Carers I do hope you've all had a fabulous Easter holiday, and the children are raring for the new term in Year 4. This half term starts off with our Rivers and Mountains Topic. The children will be inspired by our amazing A Visual History of a River picture class text and finding out about how rivers and mountains are formed.  This learning will be enhanced by our science topic on The Water Cycle. It might be a short six week half term but it's packed full of fascinating activities to stimulate the mind. 


Home Learning Summer 1

Here is our home learning for this half term all linked to our topic 'Hot or Cold?'. Please remember to complete tasks in your home learning book and send them into school or upload them to Seesaw. Remember completing all 8 pieces of homework earns you a gold award, 6 pieces earns you a silver award and 4 pieces earns you a bronze award. We cannot wait to see all the brilliant things that you do! 

Hot or Cold?

Our topic for Summer 1 is 'Hot or Cold?'. We will be learning all about where the North Pole, South Pole and equator are on a globe and comparing the key features of hot and cold places. We will have a video call from a South Pole explorer and will go on a trip to Eureka! There is so much to look forward to! For more information on what your child will be learning this half term, please see the topic web below. 

Class compliment treat

Year 1 loved their class compliment treat which they earned for working together as a class to get all of their class compliments. They had a PJ party, with popcorn, a movie and some colouring. Well done everyone!

Happy Easter

Well done to our year 6 winners Summer and Kade for your Easter creations.

Happy Easter to everyone- eat lots of chocolate and have a relaxing break. 
