School Blog

Super Stars

Congratulations to our stars Evie and Nasir. Evie works hard, she is kind to others and she makes us all laugh every day. You are truly a star Evie. Well done.

Nasir is trying really hard to work more independently in class- keep this up.

Our Good to be Green winners are Faye and Sophia.

Congratulations to our Gold and Bronze winners too!

A huge well done to the whole class for their hard work this week and for coming in earlier for revision sessions! We are very proud of you!

Year 4 Drum Fitness

Year 4 had an amazing drum workshop. Just look at the photographs to prove how much they had to concentrate and how much fun they had. 

Breaking Barriers Performance

This afternoon Year 5 and 6 watched a performance called 'Blindside'. This was a monologue highlighting the sensitive topic of violence against women and girls. Following the performance, we worked in groups to discuss the mature content of the themes explored. The children were respectful and sensible and all discussed how to spot signs of an unhealthy relationship and who they could turn to for help. We are very proud of you all for your mature attitude today. 

Maths Escape Room

Today Year 6 worked in small groups to work through six clues to unlock a 6 digit code in order to leave the room for their lunch. The challenges ranged from problem solving about angles to cracking a code with positive and negative numbers. Our victors were Evie, Matilda, Reiss and Eva who will win a prize.

Breaking Barriers Tour

Year 5 and 6 took part in a workshop, exploring how boys and girls can be good allies to each other, to help reduce the levels of harmful behaviours and violence against women and girls in society.

It aims to help level the playing field for boys and girls by showing each other equal respect, and boys calling out harmful behaviour and attitudes. It was very powerful and emotive. 

Well-being Workshop

Year 6 have now had two workshops with our Mental Health Practitioner on wellbeing and exam stress. We have learned different techniques on reducing stress and managing our wellbeing. We talked about how sleep, a balanced diet, exercise and hobbies help us to stay healthy. 

Food Investigations in Year 4

Year 4 thoroughly enjoyed being scientists today. The children had the opportunity to experiment to see how different foods affect their teeth. The children were organised into 10 groups and placed boiled eggs into different substances. They were able to predict what they thought would happen to the egg over a week and we are set up to observe the results, checking their hypothesis along the way. 

Athletics in Year 4

Year 4 started their first lesson in sprinting today. They were eager to get warm on this cold morning and thoroughly enjoyed their group sprinting activities. Well done Year 4. 

Year 4

Year 4 is up and ready for the children to learn about Rivers, Mountains and the Water Cycle. 
