School Blog


Today we focused on jumping in gymnastics. We used the springboard to help us practise star jumps, straddle jumps, pencil jumps, pike jumps and tuck jumps. We also worked in small groups to make a short sequence using jumps and rolls.


Year 1 loved their DRUHM session on Friday, They learnt how to keep rhythms in beats of 1, 2, 3 and 4 and how to do a power slam whilst having so much fun! Great job everyone!

This week's award winners are...

Well done to this weeks Head-Teacher and Good to be Green award winners. Well done Year 2 for your super concentration and efforts this morning in Druhm fitness. Well done to I who has achieved her 5m swimming award! Just keep swimming! Keep up the hard work everyone! 

Druhm Fitness

Today we took part in Druhm fitness where we put our BEAT, RHYTHM and Fitness to the test. We were enhancing our hand-eye-foot coordination, rhythm, timing and proprioception, the awareness and position of our body in space and time. Oh what fun we had! Thank you for organising Miss Mainprize. 

Reception MTP and Home Learning

Here is our medium term plan for this half term plus the home learning grid for anyone wanting to do some additional home learning (this is entirely optional).

We will be reading Jack and the Beanstalk and growing and observing our own bean plants.

Summer 1

Hello Nursery,

I hope you have had a lovely and fun filled holiday and a big welcome to our new families. This half term we are growing our own beanstalks, I wonder who we will find at the top?

Please find attached the Medium Term Plan and Home Learning Grid for anyone wanting to do some additional learning (this is entirely optional).

Mrs Tennant
