School Blog

Year 6's sponsored walk to Gorse Hall

We had a great time on our walk around Gorse Hall despite the poor weather and our slight detour which added on an extra 20 minutes to the journey!

A huge well done to our leader Sophia who led us with confidence sharing the history of Gorse Hall- it was lovely to see your leadership skills today Sophia!

Happy holidays to everyone!

Year 5 Sponsored Walk

What a brilliant morning walking in the fresh air and learning about our local history. Mrs Parker and Mr Foley joined year 5 on their walk and Sam our year 6 leader did a brilliant job of organising and sharing information. Thank you everyone for your donations! Thank you to our families also for helping on the walk. 

Brunch with Mrs Parker

Congratulations to our Good to be Green winners this half term - they have enjoyed a yummy treat after their sponsored walk. Well done superstars! 

How can we HELP TO SAVE our Oceans?

This half term, year 2 will be exploring our topic question 'How can we help save our Oceans?' We will be learning about the effects of plastic pollution on our oceans and the affects of recycling. We will be taking a History / Science trip to The Blue Planet Aquarium where we will be in the role of marine biologists exploring and getting up close to marine wildlife. We will be identifying and classifying creatures, i.e.

Sponsored Walk

What an amazing walk we had. Thank you to all the parents and grandparents who came with us to Gorse Hall and for all your donations to our library. Great work  everyone. 

This week's Superstars are...

Well done to this week's Head-Teacher and Good to be Green award winner! We have had a busy half term but you have continued to follow our school values and your efforts haven't gone unnoticed. Well done to our Handwriting champion and those children who have achieved their Head-Teacher award for reaching 250 star points! Wow, super effort guys! 

Marvellous Merits in Year 4

It has been a fantastic week in class from everyone. The children have finished writing up their persuasive letters and continued their work in maths on Money. They have thoroughly enjoyed our science experiments too. A great week Year 4.

Handwriting Awards Summer 1

I have displayed our latest work from our handwriting winners this half term. I am so impressed with how neat and well-presented their work is.

Our winners are: Nursery- George, Reception- Lucas, Y1- Eric, Y2- Rosie, Y3- Alfie, Y4- Matilda, Y5- Lottie, Y6- Amelia
