School Blog

Jason Robinson Trust

A huge thank for the continued hard work and guidance our pupils are receiving from the Jason Robinson Trust. Coach, Charles has been rewarding effort and skills in rugby with some amazing prizes. Well done year 6 team! 

Fabulous Reading

The children have worked so hard this afternoon when music was cancelled. They were so engrossed in their new story book- The Time Travelling Cat, that I was able to take a few photographs. Excellent work Year 4. 

Year 6 Superstars!

Well done to Kade and Oliver for winning the Headteacher Certificates in Year 6 this week.

Oliver has created a superb suspense story about a doll shop which he should be very proud of.

Kade has come back to school with a great attitude to learning and has worked really hard this week.

Our Good to be Green winners are Mia and Jake.

A special well done to Evie who is the first member of the class to win the Headteacher Award- this is thoroughly deserved Evie!

Congrtulations to Ruby for winning her Gold Award.


This week's super stars are....

Well done to this week's Head-Teacher and Good to be Green award winners! You have really shone brightly and have done amazing with your Phonics. Well done to R, D, N and M for their excellent efforts at their out of school clubs in musical theatre, football and swimming. Keep up the hard work everyone!

Superstars in Year 4

I'm so very proud of all of Year 4 this week with their effort and determination in their multiplication tests. Great work Year 4. 

Printing Artwork

Our final artwork is incredible and I am so proud of how they have all turned out. I think we could sell some of these prints. Well done Year 6!

Year 5's Awesome Athletics!

Year 5 were put through their paces today when Mr Williams began their Athletics sessions in P.E.  Their main focus was sprinting; they had to maintain and control their pace by doing laps of the playground!  Even though the task was extremely tiring, the children were amazing!  Well done Year 5.  Mrs Blomeley 

Summer 2

Welcome back Nursery,

This half term we will be sharing the story of 'The Three Little Pigs' and learning all about life on the farm. Please find attached the Medium Term Plan and Home Learning Grid for anyone wanting to do some additional learning (this is entirely optional). We are going to make some magical memories in our last term together.

Mrs Tennant
