School Blog

Holy Trinity visit Year 3

Holy Trinity Gary, a vicar and Fleur who both shared their roles at Holy Trinity Church. Fleur is the children's Pastor.

They are very busy, Gary leads weddings, Baptism and funeral. Both Gary and Fleur help the community leading youth groups, collecting food and providing those who are struggling. 

Careers Week visitors

Today Gary and Fleur visited us to discuss their role as a vicar and children's pastor. They talked about the responsibilities they have in their roles and which parts they enjoyed and found difficult. Thank you for your time.

Year 5 explore why the Anglo Saxons invaded Britain!

Year 5's sorting activity yesterday helped them to explore some of the reasons why the Anglo Saxons invaded Britain in AD450.  Were they pushed?  Or were they pulled?  Their constant flooding, and having to rebuild their homes, was a huge factor in them being pushed to come to Britain.  Year 5 discovered that the Anglo Saxons wanted a better way of life for their families so they were pulled by the better climate for growing crops and the knowledge that the Britains had precious metals and jewellery!  Fantastic, sensible and intelligent discussions helped us all to understand more about the

Visit from GB Sprinter

Year 1 loved their visit from GB sprinter Andy Robertson today as part of career's week. They learnt all about Andy's job as an athlete and were shocked to hear that he can only eat chocolate once a month! A big thank you to Andy for answering all of our questions and inspiring us to be future athletes. 

Career’s Week

Andy, a GB 60m sprinter came in to talk to Y4 today about his career in athletics. The children were so eager to ask him questions and amazed by his career. 

Team GB Sprinter

As part of Career's week we've had GB Sprinter Andy Robertson visit our class.

Year 3 asked so many questions and learnt a lot about being an athlete.


In P4C today we discussed the factors which may radicalise a person. We had mature discussions about how a person could take part in an act of terror. Well done for your sensible discussions year 6.
