School Blog

Welcome to the last term in Year 4

 I do hope you've all had a fabulous Whit holiday, and the children are raring for our final term in Year 4. This half term starts off with our Multiplication tests. These will take place on Tuesday 11th June, so get those last few days of practise in. Our topic this half term is the Egyptians. The children will be inspired by our creative history topic and will step back in time during English writing. This learning will be enhanced by our DT project of making a shaduf. It might be our last half term but it's packed full of fascinating activities to stimulate the mind. 

Home Learning Summer 2

Here is the home learning menu for this half term linked to our topic Tremendous Toys: Have you got this toy at home? 

Remember you can earn certificates for all your hard work with your home learning - Gold award = all 8 pieces of homework completed. Silver award = 6 pieces of homework completed, Bronze award = 4 pieces of homework completed

I cannot wait to see all the exciting things you produce. Don't forget to bring your homework into school or upload it to Seesaw.

Tremendous Toys: Have you got this toy at home?

This half term, our topic is called 'Tremendous Toys: Have you got this toy at home?' and focuses on how toys have changed since our grandparents were little to the current toys today. Pupils will get to play with a variety of old toys and will use their DT skills to create their very own moving toy. For more information about what we will be covering this half term, please see the MTP topic web below. 

Sponsored Walk

Year 1 loved their sponsored walk to Gorse Hall. Thank you to all the parents and grandparents who came on the walk with us and to everyone that sponsored us. Also a big thank you to Mia who showed excellent leadership skills by showing us around the park and telling us about the local history. 

Eureka! Trip

Year 1 loved their trip to Eureka! They enjoyed learning about our body and the senses and trying out lots of different jobs from dentists and midwives to postmen, bankers and shopkeepers. They learnt lots in the senses show and were very brave to take part in different investigations. 

Summer 2 Topic Information: Why were the Mayans magnificent?

Please see the attached topic information for Summer 2. We will be looking at the early civilisation of the Mayans who lived in what is now Central America. We will research what life was like in Ancient Mayan times, what they are remembered for and what happened to them in the end. We will also spend a lot of time talking about transition to high school this term- we have a transition workshop booked in for Week 2 with 2 Boards and A Passion Theatre Company.

Awards in Year 5 w/e 24.5.24

This week's awards included a whole class Headteacher's Award for brilliant work during our Anglo Saxon Day as well as an award for being an outstanding role model.  Good to be Green awards for following our School rules and a Silver Award for achieving 100 star points were also given.  Well done everyone!  Mrs Blomeley.

Anglo Saxon Fun in Year 5!

Year 5 ended their Anglo Saxon topic with a lot of fun and creativity this week!  All children completed their creative homework task by making shields! They were all fantastic and are now proudly on display in our Reception area in school.  They spent their Anglo Saxon Day baking, making bracelets and making Anglo Saxon jewellery.  Even the rain didn't stop us practising our shield formations and the famous "Charge" battle!  Well done Year 5!  You were all amazing and deserved the whole class Headteacher's Award this week!  Mrs Blomeley

Gorse Hall Sponsored Walk

Year 2 had a fabulous time on their sponsored walk to Gorse Hall.  We learnt about local history and raised money for our new library.  Well done everyone!

Year 6's sponsored walk to Gorse Hall

We had a great time on our walk around Gorse Hall despite the poor weather and our slight detour which added on an extra 20 minutes to the journey!

A huge well done to our leader Sophia who led us with confidence sharing the history of Gorse Hall- it was lovely to see your leadership skills today Sophia!

Happy holidays to everyone!
