School Blog

Careers Week visitor

Today year 6 had a visit from Connor who is a Facilities Project Manager for the General Medical Council. He spoke to the class about how he entered an apprenticeship and moved up through different levels to be a manager. He talked about the different roles in his job.

I was very impressed with the questions asked by the class. Thank you to Connor for sharing your experiences with Year 6.

Mountain Locations

Year 4 started their work on mountains today. They used the atlases well to locate mountains of the U.K and were able to identify parts of a mountain. 

Start Small, Dream Big Primary Pilot.

We are delighted that our school has been selected to take part in an exciting pilot programme to improve careers education in primary schools across England. This pilot programme is being run by your local Careers Hub, funded by The Careers & Enterprise Company and evaluated in partnership with ImpactEd Evaluation. ImpactEd Evaluation is an independent evaluator that supports high-quality monitoring and evaluation in schools.  

Careers Week - the fire service

Year 5 had a fantastic visit from Green Watch today. They discussed the importance of respect, honesty, hard-work and dedication needed in their jobs. The Fire Fighters gave an overview of the training needed to work as a team and the long hours involved. Many were very inspired by their talk. Thank you to Green Watch for their time and delivering lots of important messages. 

Target Games

Year 1 loved using cricket bats and rackets for the time today in their targets games lesson. They practised hitting the ball at a target before we added fielders in to make it more challenging. Well done everyone!

Disney club

Lots of fun was had at the Disney Shooting Stars club tonight with Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. We played lots of games focusing on our fundamental movement skills whilst we pretended to be Mufasa, Simba, Nala, Zazu and Scar. We also practised our dribbling skills, throwing and catching. Finally we did a relay in teams to collect cones and then created a picture of Simba with them. Thank you to the Game Changers who helped to deliver the session and also judged the best Simba. 

Strike a pose…

Today in gymnastics we added balances to our sequences as we moved our way across the apparatus. We tried to focus on using different levels and dynamics. Can you spot any back/front support? Can you see a dish or arch balance? Can you spot anyone using a tuck or pike balance?

Careers Week

To begin Careers Week in year 6 we have discussed 8 core skills that are transferable to any industry. These include: problem solving, communication, creativity, proactivity, leadership, teamwork, resillience and adaptability.

We then did some research about different careers to find out which skills that person uses in their day to day life. We also found out some of the qualifications needed. Later in the week we will be creating our own CVs thinking about our own skills and strengths. We also do further research into some unfamiliar careers.

Careers Week

Careers Week takes place this week and in line with our school moto - Learning Today for Tomorrow's World. Pupils will be exploring skills they need for jobs now and in the future.  We have: Greater Manchester Police, Greater Manchester Fire Service, accountant, GB athlete, Sale Sharks rugby player, Engineer, architect, Holy Trinity to name but a few. Thank you to our families who are supporting this week too. We are reviewing our curriculum and ensuring these skills are embedded into learning. Have a look on our blog for our pictures and questions all week. 

Egg Experiment

Well our egg experiment is finally finished and the children have been quite amazed at how orange juice and not coke affected their teeth. They now really understand the importance of dental hygiene and will limit high sugar drinks after seeing how the orange juice visibily decayed the egg. 
