School Blog

Splendid Science Fair hosted by Year 4

Year 3 really enjoyed taking part in Broadbent Fold's Science fair.

Superb hosts giving children the chance to:*guess the famous scientist

*build the human body

*mircoscope looking

*optical illusions


Future scientist in the making!



Forces Science Workshop in Year 5! Rocket Launching Fun!

Year 5 were able to use their prior knowledge of their Forces topic this morning!  They remembered key vocaculary such as Gravity, Friction and Air Resistance together with their meanings!  Along with Mr B and Mr T, the class made their own rockets, with specific instructions, to get the best possible launch!  Outside, everyone had the opportunity to launch their rockets and Mr T timed them to see which rocket stayed in the air for longest!  It was great fun for everyone!  Thank you to Mr B and Mr T for a brilliant workshop!  Mrs Blomeley

Gardening for bees

Today, as part of our topic 'Where would we be without the bee', our Science topic 'Plants' and to celebrate Science week, Year 2 have been extremely busy tidying up the garden planters and planting bee friendly wild flower seeds to encourage a variety of different species of bee to visit our site. We safely used tools to tidy up the plants and get rid of the weeds. We then used the plant waste to make some compost heaps and bug houses to encourage a range of wildlife to visit the garden area. While we were gardening we found lots of worms, wood lice and snails.

Science Workshop - Humans and Animals

To celebrate Science week, Year 2 took part in an 'Animals including Humans' workshop where the children learnt some cool facts about the human body, learnt some names of bones and took part in a circuit of physical activities to explore what actions humans can do. What a fun day we have had! 

Honey tasting experience

Today, as part of our topic 'Where would we be without the bee?' we took part in a honey tasting experience. The children learnt how bees make honey and thet got to taste honey from Greece, Africa, UK and China. The children rated each of the four countries honey from 1-10 (10 being the most delicious) and then wrote a short explanation about why it was their favourite. COOL FACT: Did you know that honey from different parts of the world will taste different as it depends on the plants that the bees gather the nectar from! 

British Science Week

We had a fascinating workshop with Mr Birchall from Primary Science looking at electricity. We had a go at several different challenges making circuits of various difficulties using a range of components. We made a Morse Code board and had a go at using Morse Code to send secret messages. We also played a fairground game where we had to move the rod along the circuit without turning the light on.

We also learned lots of history about electricity. Do you know static electricity was first discovered in 600BC?

Bee Hotels

Today, as part of our topic 'Where would we be without the bee', our Science topic 'Plants' and to celebrate Science week, Year 2 made Bee hotels to put around the school grounds to provide a suitable nesting place for Bees. We used bamboo sticks, branches, cut them to size and carefully tied them together to create a safe habitat. Great work everyone! 

Year 4 Science Fair

Year 4's science fair started off brilliantly this morning. They were all ready and dressed for the role today and were brilliant. Our first class was reception and they loved it. It's going to be a fun packed 2 days for Year 4 as they are biologists, chemists and physicist. 
